last update: March 13, 2018
Doctoral Days 2018
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Tips & Tricks for a good presentation
The following list gives the recommendations we consider important and very appropriate for a good presentation. Obviously, you can sometimes violate some of them, however, we believe that then you should have a reason for.
- A good presentation has a clear structure.
- Do not undervalue the introduction. The motivation of your work should be clarified thoroughly.
- In the presentation, original and cited results should be clearly distinguished.
- Be careful that all axis descriptions, legend, etc. are legible. Graphs should be plotted in thick lines. Avoid using colors that could get invisible or undistinguishable on overhead projector.
- All maths on a slide should be legible and readable during the time that is given to that slide.
- Prefer an easy and clean presentation format. No Comic Sans font, no fancy colorful background.
- The time given to your talk (here 20 minutes) must not be exceeded.
- You should speak loudly and clearly, rather to the audience than to the screen.
- Go forward. Returning back makes your presentation chaotic.
- Do not read the slides. Voice & screen should be used fully as two channels for transmitting information.
- Admitting not knowing the answer to a question is not a failure.
Some tips we were not able to agree on, but we find interesting to mention
We will be happy to discuss them in a meantime.
- Number of slides should not exceed the number of minutes given to your talk.
- Slides should be balanced – amount of information should be approximately equal on each slide.
- Avoid numbering of slides in the style 3/36. Otherwise everybody is checking your time, estimating (or betting) if you will make it on time or not.