Collaboration with industry


The Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences actively offers its outcomes to industrial companies. Technology, software, research services and collaboration in the form of contractual or joint research are offered via the Technology Transfer Office.  The most common types of collaboration are contract research and transfer of technologies in the form of licences.


The Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences has collaborated with industrial companies for almost 30 years. A number of the FZU employees also have former experience from the company environment which they use in the application of innovative technologies. 

  1. Licences for technology, technical solutions
    The Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences grants rights to use technologies that are usually protected by industrial law (patents, utility models) or in the form of secret know-how. The Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences may be the sole owner of industrial rights or their co-owner. Information about the specific terms and conditions of individual offers can be obtained at the Technology Transfer Office.
  2. Licences for software
    The Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences grants rights to use software which is protected by copyright. The Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences is usually the sole owner. Information about the specific terms and conditions of individual offers can be obtained at the Technology Transfer Office.
  3. Contract and collaborative research
    The Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences offers professional capacities for innovative services based on the needs of companies and industrial partners. Contract research usually involves professional delivery to the client using the capacities of the FZU, where the contracting authorities usually define the scope, objective and financial framework of cooperation. The experts of the Institute of Physics subsequently provide professional support and knowledge in the form of testing, technology development, implementation of functional samples or prototypes and other research activities.
    Collaborative research includes a joint research project of the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences with an industrial partner or partners, in which each partner fulfils its respective role and aims jointly towards a set goal. Every form of collaboration and its aspects including the rights to the newly established intellectual property are covered by a contract.
  4. Research services
    The Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences offers a free capacity of experimental equipment including professional services, operation of the equipment and evaluation of the results for commercial use. Research services of the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences usually include expert measurement, testing, quality control and analytical services for companies and other research organizations. Each research service is covered by a contract

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