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4 Jun 21 - 4 Feb 22
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Jiří Roháček

Assoc. Prof. PhDr. Jiří Roháček, CSc.

Documentation Department

phone: +420 221 183 399
e-mail: rohacek@udu.cas.cz

Researcher and Head of the Department of Documentation, head of the Centre of Epigraphy and Sepulchral Studies.

Jiří Roháček studied auxiliary historical sciences and archive studies, as well as archaeology at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University (PhDr. 1986). He completed postgraduate studies of art history at what was then the Institute of Theory and History of Art, CAS (CSc. 1995). In 2017, he received a habilitation degree for auxiliary historical sciences at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University (doc. 2017). Roháček has been working in different positions at the IAH CAS since 1991 and in 2003, he received a position of a researcher focusing on epigraphy, sepulchral monuments and written sources for art history. Since 2000, he has been leading the centre for Epigraphy and Sepulchral Studies. Since 2005, he has been an editor of the series Epigraphica et Sepulcralia. Between 1998 and 2010 he worked as an editor of Umění /Art journal, from 1992 to 1996 he was an editor of Česká uměleckohistorická bibliografie and from 1994 to 2000 a technical editor of Fontes historiae artium. Beginning in 1997, he teaches at various universities (Charles University, University of South Bohemia, University of J. E. Purkyně, University of Hradec Králové). Roháček is the founder and organizer of annual international Conferences about Sepulchral monuments (from 2000 onward) and the founder and co-organizer of Conferences about Written Sources for Art History (from 2009 onward). He participated in a number of grant projects, conferences, exhibitions, as well as infrustructure and outreach projects. He is a member of several editorial boards and committees.

Research outputs (selection):

Jiří Roháček, On sepulchral memory in an epigraphic campaign: The towns of Prague after the events of 1648, in: idem, Epigraphica et Sepulcralia 8. Praha 2019

Jiří Roháček, On the epigraphic self-presentation of Bohemian towns at the turn of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period. Studia Universitatis Cibiniensis. Series Historica. vol. 14, Supplementum (2017), pp. 41–82.

Jiří Roháček, Wherefore Art Thou? On the History, State and Prospects of Czech Epigraphy. Studia Zrodloznawcze. Commentationes, No. 54 (2016), pp. 151–157.

Jiří Roháček. Figure & lettering: sepulchral sculpture of the jagiellonian period in Bohemia. Praha 2014 (together with J. Chlíbec).

Jiří Roháček Innovation – Tradition – Korrelation. Die Inschriften Böhmens und des deutschen Reiches, in:  Eva Schlotheuber – Hubertus Seibert (eds.). Böhmen und das Deutsche Reich: Ideen- und Kulturtransfer im Vergleich (13.–16. Jahrhundert), München 2009, pp. 113–142 (together with F. A. Bornschlegel).

Jiří Roháček, Epigrafika v památkové péči, Praha 2007.

Jiří Roháček, Zum Verhältnis von epigraphischem und kunsthistorischem Stil in der frühen und späteren Neuzeit. Einige illustrierende Beispiele aus böhmischem und mährischem Material. In: Gertrud Mras – Renate Kohn (eds.). Epigraphik 2000: neunte Fachtagung für mittelalterliche und neuzeitliche Epigraphik : Klosterneuburg, 9.–12. Oktober 2000. Wien 2006, pp. 107–118.

Jiří Roháček, Umělecké památky Prahy. Nové Město, Vyšehrad, Vinohrady (Praha 1). Praha 1998, pp. 109, 111–112, 115, 122, 127, 133, 136–137, 140–141, 146, 149, 159, 162–163, 167, 168, 169, 182–183, 188. Pražský hrad a Hrandčany, Praha 2000, pp. 68–112 (et al.), 136–147 (et al.), 457–458.

Jiří Roháček, Nápisy města Kutné Hory: Kutná Hora, Kaňk, Malín a Sedlec včetně bývalého cisterciáckého kláštera, Praha 1996.