Combinatorial group
Here you can find the outputs of the project Extremal graph theory and applications, project number GJ16-07822Y, funded by the Czech Science foundation. For other outputs, please visit this page. In bold you find the authors that were supported by the grant.

Selected publications

On the structure of large sum-free sets of integers, T. Tran, Isr. J. Math. Volume 228, Issue 1, October 2018, pp 249-292

The local limit of the uniform spanning tree on dense graphs, J. Hladký, A. Nachmias, T. Tran, Journal of Statistical Physics, Volume 173, Issue 3-4, pp 502-545

A counterexample to the DeMarco-Kahn Upper Tail Conjecture, M. Šileikis, L. Warnke, Random Structures & Algorithms, Volume 55, Issue 4, December 2019, Pages 775-794

Packing degenerate graphs, P. Allen, J. Böttcher, J. Hladký, D. Piguet, Advances in Mathematics, Vol. 354, Art. 106739

Measurable versions of Vizing's theorem J. Grebík, O. Pikhurko, Advances in Mathematics, Volume 374, November 2020

All publications

Published papers

A limit theorem for small cliques in inhomogeneous random graphs, J. Hladký, C. Pelekis, M. Šileikis, Journal of Graph Theory, online first: 28 March 2021, DOI:10.1002/jgt.22673

Tilings in graphons, J. Hladký, P. Hu, D. Piguet, European Journal of Combinatorics, Volume 93, March 2021, 103284

Measurable versions of Vizing's theorem J. Grebík, O. Pikhurko, Advances in Mathematics, Volume 374, November 2020

Relating the cut distance and the weak* topology for graphons, M. Doležal, J. Grebík, J. Hladký, I. Rocha, V. Rozhoň, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, Volume 147, March 2021, Pages 252-298.

Independent sets, cliques, and colorings in graphons, J. Hladký, I. Rocha, special issue of European Journal on Combinatorics for EUROCOMB'17, Volume 88, August 2020, 103108.

A version of the Loebl-Komlós-Sós conjecture for skewed trees, T. Klimošová, D. Piguet, V. Rozhoň, special issue of European Journal on Combinatorics for EUROCOMB'17, Volume 88, August 2020, 103106.

Upper tail bounds for Stars, M. Šileikis, L. Warnke, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Volume 27, Issue 1 (2020)

A central limit theorem for almost local additive tree functionals, D. Ralaivaosaona, M. Šileikis, S. Wagner, Algorithmica dedicated to a selection of papers from the conference AofA 2018, 82, pages 642–679 (2020).

Packing degenerate graphs, P. Allen, J. Böttcher, J. Hladký, D. Piguet, Advances in Mathematics, Vol. 354, Art. 106739

A counterexample to the DeMarco-Kahn Upper Tail Conjecture, M. Šileikis, L. Warnke, Random Structures & Algorithms, Volume 55, Issue 4, December 2019, Pages 775-794

A Note on the Minimum Number of Edges in Hypergraphs with Property O, G. Kronenberg, C. Kusch, A. Lamaison, P. Micek, T. Tran, European Journal of Combinatorics, Volume 81, October 2019, Pages 172-177

On the separation conjecture in Avoider-Enforcer games, M. Bednarska-Bzdega, O. Ben-Eliezer, L. Gishboliner, T. Tran, J. Combin. Theory Ser. B, Volume 138, September 2019, Pages 41-77.

A local approach to the Erdos-Sos conjecture, V. Rozhoň, SIAM J. Discrete Math, 33(2), 643-664.

A median-type condition for graph tiling, D. Piguet, M. Saumell, European Journal of Combinatorics, Volume 77, p.90-101

A generalization of Erdos' matching conjecture, C. Pelekis, I. Rocha, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 25(2), P2.21

On the structure of large sum-free sets of integers, T. Tran, Isr. J. Math. Volume 228, Issue 1, October 2018, pp 249-292

Komlós's tiling theorem via graphon covers, J. Hladký, P. Hu, D. Piguet, Journal of Graph Theory, Volume 90, Issue 1, January 2019, Pages 24-45

Colourings without monochromatic disjoint pairs, D. Clemens, S. Das, T. Tran, European Journal of Combinatorics, Volume 70, May 2018, Pages 99-124

The local limit of the uniform spanning tree on dense graphs, J. Hladký, A. Nachmias, T. Tran, Journal of Statistical Physics, Volume 173, Issue 3-4, pp 502-545

Layout of random circulant graphs, S. Richter, I. Rocha, Linear Algebra and its Applications, Volume 559, p. 95-113

Structure and Supersaturation for Intersecting Families, J. Balogh, S. Das, H. Liu, M. Sharifzadeh, T. Tran, Elec. J. Combin., Volume 26, Issue 2 (2019).

Accepted papers

Fractional Isomorphism of Graphons J. Grebík, I. Rocha, accepted to Combinatorica

Conference Proceedings

A graphon perspective for fractional isomorphism, J. Grebík, I. Rocha, Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae, Vol 88 No 3 (2019), p.759-765. Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications, EuroComb 2017.

Asymptotic Normality of Almost Local Functionals in Conditioned Galton-Watson Trees, D. Ralaivaosaona, M. Šileikis, S. Wagner, 29th International Conference on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms (AofA 2018)

Packing degenerate graphs greedily, P. Allen, J. Boettcher, J. Hladký, D. Piguet, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Volume 61, August 2017, Pages 45-51. Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications, EuroComb 2017.

First steps in combinatorial optimization on graphons: Matchings, M. Doležal, J. Hladký, P. Hu, D. Piguet, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Volume 61, August 2017, Pages 359-365. Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications, EuroComb 2017.

A skew version of the Loebl-Komlos-Sos conjecture, T. Klimosova, D. Piguet, V. Rozhoň, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Volume 61, August 2017, Pages 743-749. Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications, EuroComb 2017.

A Median-Type Condition for Graph Tiling, D. Piguet, M. Saumell, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Volume 61, August 2017, Pages 979-985. Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications, EuroComb 2017.


Minimal Obstructions for Partial Representations of Interval Graphs P. Klavik, M. Saumell, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 25(4) (2018), #P4.55

The Approximate Loebl-Komlós-Sós Conjecture III: The finer structure of LKS graphs, J. Hladký, J. Komlós, D. Piguet, M. Simonovits, M. J. Stein, E. Szemerédi, SIAM J. Discrete Math., 31(2), 1017-1071


Cut distance identifying graphon parameters over weak* limits, M. Doležal, J. Grebík, J. Hladký, I. Rocha, V. Rozhoň

Balanced supersaturation for degenerate hypergraphs, J. Corsten, T. Tran

A fractal perspective on optimal antichains and intersecting subsets of the unit n-cube, K. Engel, T. Mitsis, C. Pelekis