Fedora Parkmann

Fedora Parkmann, Ph.D.

Department of Art of the 19th-21st Centuries

phone: +420 221 183 548 ; +420 724 179 902

Researcher employed as part of the Program for Support of Prospective Researchers  (Financial Support for postdoctoral student at the CAS's institutes).

Fedora Parkmann studied art history at Sorbonne Université (MA 2011, Ph.D. 2017) and art history and museology at École du Louvre in Paris. In the academic year 2017–2018, she was assistant professor at the department of art history, Sorbonne Université. Since 2019, she has been employed as a postdoctoral researcher at the IAH CAS, while also working as associate researcher at the Centre français de recherche en sciences sociales v Praze (CEFRES). She focuses on history of photography, avant-garde art, interwar social photography and the question of cultural transfers.

Research outputs (selection):

Fedora Parkmann, Une histoire en deux actes : la photographie sociale tchèque au prisme de l’historiographie de l’ère communiste, Transbordeur, No. 4, 2020 (in print)

Fedora Parkmann, Du photomontage comme trace de la circulation des savoirs artistiques. Le cas de Karel Teige, Histoire de l’art, No. 78, 2016/1, pp. 117–130.

Fedora Parkmann, Vilem Kriz (1921-1994) : la photographie surréaliste dans l’engrenage du temps, Revue de la Bibliothèque nationale de France, No. 47, October 2014, pp. 68–77.

Fedora Parkmann, Un avatar tchécoslovaque de la Fifo : l'Exposition internationale de photographie à Prague en 1936 / A Czechoslovak Variation on Fifo. The International Photography Exhibition (Prague, 1936), Études photographiques, No. 29, May 2012, pp. 43–81.

Current projects:

A Transnational Perspective on Czech Social Photography. A Case Study of Czech International Exhibitions from 1933 to 1934 between Germany, France and the USSR - postdoctoral project in IAH, 2019–2020