Physiol. Res. 68 (Suppl. 4): S373, 2019;
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Introduction. Amler E, Sabo J
Physiol. Res. 68 (Suppl. 4): S375-S384, 2019; doi:
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REVIEW Stem cells and physical energies: can we
really drive stem cell fate? S. Cruciani, G.
Garroni, C. Ventura, A. Danani, A. Nečas, M. Maioli (Dept.
Biomed. Sci., Univ. Sassari, Sassari, Italy)
Physiol. Res. 68 (Suppl. 4): S385-S388, 2019; doi:
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SHORT COMMUNICATION Isolating stem cells
from skin: designing a novel highly efficient non-enzymatic approach.
E. Bellu, G. Garroni, F. Balzano, R. Satta, M. A. Montesu,
M. Kralovič, J. Fedačko, M. Cruciani, M. Maioli (Dept. Biomed. Sci.,
Univ. Sassari, Sassari, Italy)
Physiol. Res. 68 (Suppl. 4): S389-S397, 2019; doi:
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Varied onset of heart ventricular
depolarization in different age groups of healthy volunteers.
K. Kozlíková, M. Trnka (Inst. Med. Physics, Biophys., Inf. and
Telemed., Fac. Med., Comenius Univ. Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovak
Physiol. Res. 68 (Suppl. 4): S399-S404, 2019; doi:
10.33549/physiolres.934377 Full version (PDF file)
Proteomic analysis of plasma proteins after
low-level laser therapy in rats. R. Kilik, P. Bober, I.
Ropovik, R. Beňačka, J. Genči, A. Nečas, J. Sabo (First Dept. Surg.,
Fac. Med., Pavol Jozef Šafárik Univ., Košice, Slovakia)
Physiol. Res. 68 (Suppl. 4): S405-S413, 2019; doi:
Full version (PDF file)
Pineal gland calcification under hypoxic
conditions. M. Kopáni, B. Vraníková, D. Kosnáč, M. Zeman,
V. Šišovský, S. Polakovičová, C. Biró (Inst. Med. Physics, Biophys.,
Inf. and Telemed., Fac. Med., Comenius Univ., Bratislava, Slovakia)
Physiol. Res. 68 (Suppl. 4): S415-S425, 2019; doi:
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REVIEW Laboratory options for risk
assessment of pregnancy pathologies. A. Kestlerová, L.
Krofta, A. Žufić, K. Hamplová Běhávková, J. Račko, J. Beneš, J.
Feyereisl (Inst. Biophys. Inf., First Fac. Med., Charles Univ., Prague,
Czech Republic)
Physiol. Res. 68 (Suppl. 4): S427-S431, 2019; doi:
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Perception and pain thresholds of tDCS and
tACS. E. Kvašňák (Dept. Med. Biophys. Inf., Third Fac.
Med., Charles Univ., Prague, Czech Republic)
Physiol. Res. 68 (Suppl. 4): S433-S443, 2019; doi:
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High inductive magnetic stimuli and their
effects on mesenchymal stromal cells, dendritic cells, and fibroblasts.
J. Průcha, J. Skopalik, I. Justan, T. Parák, E. Gabrielová,
K. Hána, L. Navrátil (Dept. Inform. Communication Technol. Med., Fac.
Biomed. Engineering, Czech Tech. Univ., Prague, Czech Republic)
Physiol. Res. 68 (Suppl. 4): S445-S451, 2019; doi:
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Elevated age-related cortical iron, ferritin
and amyloid plaques in APPswe/PS1ΔE9 transgenic mouse model of
Alzheimer’s disease. H. Svobodová, D. Kosnáč, Z.
Balázsiová, H. Tanila, P. O. Miettinen, A. Sierra, P. Vitovič, A.
Wagner, Š. Polák, M. Kopáni (Inst. Med. Physics, Biophys., Inf.
Telemed., Comenius Univ., Fac. Med., Bratislava, Slovakia)
Physiol. Res. 68 (Suppl. 4): S453-S458, 2019; doi:
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Automatic substantia nigra segmentation in
neuromelanin-sensitive MRI by deep neural network in patients with
prodromal and manifest synucleinopathy. R. Krupička, S.
Mareček, C. Malá, M. Lang, O. Klempíř, T. Duspivová, R. Široká, T.
Jarošíková, J. Keller, K. Šonka, E. Růžička, P. Dušek (Czech Tech. Univ.
Prague, Fac. Biomed. Engineering, Kladno, Czech Republic)
Physiol. Res. 68 (Suppl. 4): S459-S466, 2019; doi:
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The effect of neonicotinoid insecticide
thiacloprid on the structure and stability of DNA. V.
Verebová, K. Želonková, B. Holečková, J. Staničová (Univ. Veterin. Med.
Pharm., Košice, Slovakia)
Physiol. Res. 68 (Suppl. 4): S467-S474, 2019; doi:
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Effect of ClAlPcS2
photodynamic and sonodynamic therapy on HeLa cells. S.
Binder, B. Hosikova, Z. Mala, L. Zarska, H. Kolarova (Dept. Med.
Biophys., Fac. Med. Dentistry, Inst. Mol. Translational Med., Palacky
Univ., Olomouc, Czech Republic)
Physiol. Res. 68 (Suppl. 4): S475-S481, 2019; doi:
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Effect of shock waves combined with
cytostatics on the growths of tumors in vivo. J. Zeman, J.
Benes, P. Pouckova, M. Zadinova, P. Lukes (Inst. Biophys. Inf., First
Fac. Med., Charles Univ., Prague, Czech Republic)
Physiol. Res. 68 (Suppl. 4): S483-S490, 2019; doi:
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Differential urinary proteomic analysis of
endometrial cancer. M. Kacírová, P. Bober, M. Alexovič, Z.
Tomková, S. Tkáčiková, I. Talian, L. Mederová, D. Bérešová, R. Tóth, I.
Andrašina, Z. Kožlejová, R. Kilík, R. Divín, J. Sabo (Dept. Med. Clin.
Biophys., Fac. Med., Pavol Jozef Šafárik Univ., Košice, Slovakia)
Physiol. Res. 68 (Suppl. 4): S491-S499, 2019; doi:
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Advanced characterization of natural biofilm
on nanofiber scaffold. L. Svobodová, T. Lederer, P.
Rosická, P. Svoboda, L. Novák, J. Dostálková, V. Jirků (Fac. Mechanical
Engineering, Dept. Material Sci., Tech. Univ. Liberec, Liberec, Czech
Physiol. Res. 68 (Suppl. 4): S501-S508, 2019; doi:
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PVA and PCL nanofibers are suitable for tissue
covering and regeneration. J. Beznoska, J. Uhlík, A.
Kestlerová, M. Královič, R. Divín, J. Fedačko, J. Beneš, K. Vocetková,
V. Sovková, A. Nečas, A. Nečasová, J. Holešovský, E. Amler (Rudolph and
Stephanie Hosp., Benešov, Czech Republic)
Physiol. Res. 68 (Suppl. 4): S509-S515, 2019; doi:
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REVIEW The dead space after extirpation of
rectum. current management and searching for new materials for filling.
M. Bocková, J. Hoch, A. Kestlerová, E. Amler (Dept. Surg.,
Sec. Fac. Med., Charles Univ. Prague, Motol Fac. Hosp., Prague, Czech
Physiol. Res. 68 (Suppl. 4): S517-S525, 2019; doi:
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REVIEW Review: Electrospun
nanofibers as support for the healing of intestinal anastomoses.
M. Kralovic, M. Vjaclovsky, J. Hoch A. Kestlerova, E. Amler
(Quality of Indoor Environment, Univ. Center for Energy Efficient
Buildings, Czech Tech. Univ. Prague, Buštěhrad, Czech Republic)