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Volume 63, Suppl 4, 2014


  • Physiol. Res. 63 (Suppl. 4): xiii, 2014; Full version (PDF file)

    D. Ostatníková

    Original Articles


  • Physiol. Res. 63 (Suppl. 4): S451-S458, 2014; Full version (PDF file)

    Gender differences in electrophysiological characteristics of idiopathic ventricular tachycardia originating from right ventricular outflow tract.
    S.-G. Yang, M. Mlček, O. Kittnar (Inst. Cardiol., Taipei Hosp., Taiwan, Republic of China & Inst. Physiol., First Fac. Med., Charles Univ., Prague, Czech Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 63 (Suppl. 4): S459-S467, 2014; Full version (PDF file)

    Cardiovascular and sympathetic responses to a mental stress task in young patients with hypertension and/or obesity.
    A. Garafova, A. Penesova, E. Cizmarova, A. Marko, M. Vlcek, D. Jezova (Inst. Exp. Endocrinol., Slovak Acad. Sci., Bratislava & Slovak Med. Univ., Bratislava, Slovakia)


  • Physiol. Res. 63 (Suppl. 4): S469-S478, 2014; Full version (PDF file)

    Remote ischemic preconditioning of the heart: protective responses in functional and biophysical properties of cardiac mitochondria.
    M. Ferko, I. Kancirová, M. Jašová, S. Čarnická, M. Muráriková, I. Waczulíková, Z. Sumbalová, J. Kucharská, O. Uličná, T. Ravingerová, A. Ziegelhöffer (Inst. Heart Res., Ctr. Excellence SAS NOREG, Slovak Acad. Sci., Bratislava, Slovakia)

  • Physiol. Res. 63 (Suppl. 4): S479-S487, 2014; Full version (PDF file)

    ECG body surface mapping in patients with gestational diabetes mellitus and optimal metabolic compensation.
    E. Žákovičová, O. Kittnar, J. Slavíček, E. Medová, P. Šváb, J. Charvát (Diabetol. Endocrinol. Outpatient Clin. Serv. Hosp. Medissimo, Bratislava, Slovak Republic & Inst. Physiol., First Fac. Med., Charles Univ., Prague & Med. Dept., Sec. Fac. Med., Charles Univ., Prague, Czech Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 63 (Suppl. 4): S489-S495, 2014; Full version (PDF file)

    The vibration plethysmographic method of arterial compliance analysis in dependence on transmural pressure.
    J. Moudr, J. Svačinová, E. Závodná, N. Honzíková (Dept. Physiol., Fac. Med., Masaryk Univ., Brno, Czech Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 63 (Suppl. 4): S497-S507, 2014; Full version (PDF file)

    Central pulse pressure and variability in matrix metalloproteinases genes and their inhibitors in patients with ischemic heart disease.
    A. Vašků, J. Bienertová-Vašků, J. Pařenica, M. Pávková Goldbergová, J. Novák, M. Chmelíková, D. Honsová, J. Lipkova, P. Kala, J. Spinar (Dept. Pathol. Physiol., Fac. Med., Masaryk Univ., Brno, Czech Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 63 (Suppl. 4): S509-S519, 2014; Full version (PDF file)

    Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is associated with altered heart rate asymmetry.
    I. Tonhajzerová, I. Ondrejka, I. Farský, Z. Višňovcová, M. Mešťaník, M. Javorka, A. Jurko Jr., A. Čalkovská (Dept. Physiol., Jessenius Fac. Med. Martin, Comenius Univ. Bratislava, Martin, Slovakia)

  • Physiol. Res. 63 (Suppl. 4): S521-S528, 2014; Full version (PDF file)

    Influence of low-dose neonatal domoic acid on the spontaneous behavior of rats in early adulthood.
    K. Jandová, P. Kozler, M. Langmeier, D. Marešová, J. Pokorný, V. Riljak (Inst. Physiol., First Fac. Med., Charles Univ., Prague, Czech Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 63 (Suppl. 4): S529-S534, 2014; Full version (PDF file)

    CT imaging and spontaneous behavior analysis after osmotic blood-brain barrier opening in Wistar rat.
    P. Kozler, V. Riljak, K. Jandová, J. Pokorný (Inst. Physiol., First Fac. Med., Charles Univ., Prague, Czech Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 63 (Suppl. 4): S535-S545, 2014; Full version (PDF file)

    Exposure to methamphetamine during first and second half of prenatal period and its consequences on cognition after long-term application in adulthood.
    I. Hrebíčková, M. Malinová-Ševčíková, E. Macúchová, K. Nohejlová, R. Šlamberová (Dept. Norm., Pathol., Clin. Physiol., Third Fac. Med., Charles Univ., Prague, Czech Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 63 (Suppl. 4): S547-S558, 2014; Full version (PDF file)

    Prenatal methamphetamine exposure induces long-lasting alterations in memory and development of NMDA receptors in the hippocampus.
    R. Šlamberová, M. Vrajová, B. Schutová, M. Mertlová, E. Macúchová, K. Nohejlová, L. Hrubá, J. Puskarčíková, V. Bubeníková-Valešová, A. Yamamotová (Dept. Norm., Pathol., Clin. Physiol., Third Fac. Med., Charles Univ., Prague, Czech Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 63 (Suppl. 4): S559-S572, 2014; Full version (PDF file)

    Differences in maternal behavior and development of their pups depend on the time of methamphetamine exposure during gestation period.
    M. Malinová-Ševčíková, I. Hrebíčková, E. Macúchová, E. Nová, M. Pometlová, R. Šlamberová (Dept. Norm., Pathol., Clin. Physiol., Third Fac. Med., Charles Univ., Prague, Czech Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 63 (Suppl. 4): S573-S584, 2014; Full version (PDF file)

    Different effects of phase advance and delay in rotating light-dark regimens on clock and natriuretic peptide gene expression in the rat heart.
    I. Herichová, J. Ambrušová, Ľ. Molčan, A. Veselá, P. Svitok, M. Zeman (Dept. Animal Physiol. Ethol., Fac. Nat. Sci., Comenius Univ., Bratislava, Slovak Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 63 (Suppl. 4): S585-S591, 2014; Full version (PDF file)

    Peroxisomal enzymes in the liver of rats with experimental diabetes mellitus type 2.
    L. Turecký, V. Kupčová, E. Uhlíková, V. Mojto (Inst. Med. Chem., Biochem., Clin. Biochem., Med. School, Comenius Univ., Bratislava, Slovak Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 63 (Suppl. 4): S593-S599, 2014; Full version (PDF file)

    The effect of vitamin D3 supplementation on intracellular calcium and plasma membrane calcium ATPase activity in early stages of chronic kidney disease.
    M. Morvová Jr., I. Lajdová, V. Spustová, M. Zvarík, L. Šikurová (Dept. Nucl. Phys., Biophys., Fac. Mathemat., Phys., Informat., Comenius Univ., Bratislava, Slovakia)

  • Physiol. Res. 63 (Suppl. 4): S601-S612, 2014; Full version (PDF file)

    Oxidative stress plays an important role in zoledronic acid-induced autophagy.
    V. K. M. Khandelwal, L. M. Mitrofan, J. M. T. Hyttinen, K. R. Chaudhari, R. Buccione, K. Kaarniranta, T. Ravingerová, J. Mönkkönen (School Pharm., Univ. Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland & Dept. Translat. Pharmacol., Consorzio Mario Negri Sud, Santa Maria Imbaro, Italy & Inst. Heart Res., Slovak Acad. Sci. and Ctr. Excellence SAS, Bratislava, Slovakia)

  • Physiol. Res. 63 (Suppl. 4): S613-S618, 2014; Full version (PDF file)

    Increased plasma levels of the high mobility group box 1 protein (HMGB1) are associated with a higher score of gastrointestinal dysfunction in individuals with autism.
    K. Babinská, M. Bucová, V. Ďurmanová, S. Lakatošová, D. Jánošíková, J. Bakoš, A. Hlavatá, D. Ostatníková (Inst. Physiol., Fac. Med., Comenius Univ., Bratislava, Slovak Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 63 (Suppl. 4): S619-S628, 2014; Full version (PDF file)

    Changes in lung surfactant proteins in rats with lipopolysaccharide-induced fever.
    M. Kolomaznik, I. Zila, J. Kopincova, D. Mokra, A. Calkovska (Dept. Physiol., Jessenius Fac. Med. Martin, Comenius Univ. Bratislava, Martin, Slovakia)

  • Physiol. Res. 63 (Suppl. 4): S629-S642, 2014; Full version (PDF file)

    N-acetylcysteine advancement of surfactant therapy in experimental meconium aspiration syndrome: possible mechanisms.
    J. Kopincová, D. Mokrá, P. Mikolka, M. Kolomazník, A. Čalkovská (Dept. Physiol., Comenius Univ. Bratislava, Jessenius Fac. Med., Martin, Slovak Republic)

    This number was issued in December 2014

  • © 2014 by the Institute of Physiology, Czech Academy of Sciences