Announcement of an open competition for the position of the Institute’s Director

The Board of the Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences, p. r. i. – a public research institution (hereafter the acronym ICS CAS) announces an open competition for the position of the Institute’s Director.

[ Other job opprtunities ]

Quick Info


  • scientific activity in one of the main areas of the Institute’s research activity;
  • organizational skills and management experience;
  • active knowledge of English, other language skills are welcome;
  • university education and scientific qualification in some of the main areas the Institute’s research;
  • legal capacity to act;
  • moral integrity;
  • integrity pursuant to Section 17, paragraph 4, letters b) and c) of the (Czech) Act No. 341/2005 Coll., as later amended;
  • compliance with the conditions pursuant to (Czech) Act No. 451/1991 Coll., as later amended (does not concern the non-Czech citizens).

The Director of the Institute must not be a member of the managing or supervisory bod-ies of legal entities conducting business activities and may not participate in the business of legal entities operating in the area that is the subject of the Institute’s activities. This restriction does not apply to the management of own property (Section 17, Paragraph 6 of the Act No. 341/2005 Coll.).

The expected term of office: from June 1, 2022, till May 30, 2027.

Written applications (in Czech or English) must contain the following:

  • a structured professional CV including an overview of past professional experience,
  • evidence of qualifications, and scientific and scientific-teaching degrees,
  • a list of main scientific work and publications,
  • a concept of the management of the Institute and direction of its activities, including the future development of the Institute,
  • Czech citizens should provide an extract from the Criminal Register not older than 3 months; non-Czech citizens should provide a Declaration of honour according to Section 17 paragraph 4 Coll. b) - that they have not been convicted, by a final judg-ment, of any crime or offense concerning the object/scope of activity of the Institute as a public research institution, economic offense, or crime against property,
  • Declaration of honour according to Section 17, paragraph 4 c) of Act No. 341/2005 Coll, (that no penalties, as provided for in specific legislation regulating professional activities related to the object/scope of activity of the Institute, have been imposed on them in last three years).

The selected candidate shall prove his/her compliance with the given conditions pur-suant to Act No. 451/1991 Coll. into the hands of the President of the Academy of Sci-ences of the Czech Republic, by the day of his/her appointment to the post of the Di-rector of the Institute at the latest.

Applications must be delivered to the hands of Mrs. Dagmar Harmancová, Secretary of the Board of the Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Pod Vodárenskou věží 2, 182 07 Prague 8, by March 8, 2022 at the latest.

Label the envelope „Open competition D2022“.