International Research Collaboration


The Institute of Physics (FZU) has been actively engaged in international cooperation activities involving more than 100 foreign institutions and universities across the world. The area of International cooperation forms an integral part of the activities pursued by the Institute of Physics and involves activities such as the implementation of joint international research projects; the exchange of information, of students and academic workers; and any international cooperation activities in the area of technology, research and commerce.


The agenda related to the strategic development and the administration of international cooperation activities of the Institute of Physics is managed by the International Cooperation Office. The International Cooperation Office provides assistance in concluding bilateral agreements with foreign institutions and preparing memoranda of understanding. The International Cooperation Office also provides services and consultancy to internal researchers and administrators of the Institute of Physics and prepares strategic documents and processes in the area of international cooperation and internationalization

The International Cooperation Office manages the following agenda:

  • Preparing and implementing international cooperation and internationalization development strategy of the Institute of Physics, including the provision of any relevant methodology support.
  • Managing and filing international contracts and other documents.
  • The support, coordination and preparation of memoranda of cooperation, bilateral agreements and other contractual documents associated with the area of international cooperation.
  • Processing legal agenda in the areas of international agreements preparation; negotiations; advice provided prior to the conclusion of such agreements, and any activities to ensure such agreements are signed by statutory representatives.
  • Monitoring and analysing strategic lines and opportunities in the area of international cooperation.
  • Promoting the Institute of Physics abroad and creating a positive image of the Institute of Physics abroad.

We are a part of a greater whole:

The International Cooperation Office of the Institute of Physics has worked together with all research sections and administrative departments of the Institute of Physics, which comprises more than 1300 employees and hundreds of expertise and research topics. Additionally, the International Cooperation Office provides support to the management section of the Institute of Physics and closely cooperates with the International Cooperation Council of the Institute of Physics.

Contact us:

You can contact the International Cooperation Office at | +420 266 052 667, +420 266 052 704, or directly contact either of its members below at:

Ivo Svejkovský | The Head of the International Cooperation Office

Viera Vlková | International Cooperation Office Legal Expert

Contact details:

The Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v. v. i.

The International Cooperation Office

Na Slovance 1999/2

182 21 Prague 8


Tel.: +420 266 052 667, +420 266 052 704