Conversation with Elena Marushiakova & Vesselin Popov about their new sourcebook – Roma Voices in History
19 April 2021, 10am CST | 4pm GMT | 5pm CET
Conversation with Elena Marushiakova & Vesselin Popov of St. Andrews University about their new sourcebook – Roma Voices in History. Hosted by Ari Joskowicz (Vanderbilt University) & Helena Sadílková (Charles...

Discussion: Šukares romanes – Contemporary Romani literature in Czech Republic
15 April 2021, 19pm
Discussion about contemporary Romani literature in Czech Republic. The discussion will be focused on publishing, writing and promoting this literature. Speakers: publisher and editor Karolína Ryvolová and author Stanislava...

Prague Forum for Romani Histories on the debate around reading the names of Romani victims
3 April 2021
Both the genocide of the Roma and Romani history in general continue to be marginalized topics in school curricula and textbooks, as well as in academia, art and the public space. This was one of the reasons why the Prague...
Romani History Workshop
Call for contributions
Romani History Workshop hosts monthly online discussions of unpublished texts, such as dissertation chapters, draft papers, and book chapters. Our goal is to bring together specialists in Romani history and scholars from...

Projection of documentary film LETY and discussion
13 May 2021
On-line projection of the documentary film. The discussion will be after the projection and will be in Czech. Hosted by Anna Štičková, guests Renata Berkyová and Viola Tokárová.
Workshop: Romani Studies in the Age of Covid-19 – Ethics, Methods, Engagement and the Future
22 June 2021
The Institute of Ethnology of Czech Academy of Sciences organizes in co-operation with the Prague Forum for Romani Histories at the Institute of Contemporary History a workshop about Romani Studies in the Age of Covid-19.