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8 May 21 - 5 Aug 22
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A postdoctoral position in random discrete structures

A postdoctoral position is available at the Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, in the Combinatorial group: uivty.cs.cas.cz/ExtrA/.

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Quick Info

Successful candidate will join the Czech Science Foundation junior project Random Discrete Structures (principal investigator Matas Šileikis) and have an opportunity to collaborate with other members of the Combinatorial group. We welcome candidates with relevant research background, including discrete mathematics, probability, theoretical computer science, and statistical physics.

  • Starting date: 1st July 2021 or later.
  • Contract duration: until the end of year 2022.
  • Gross salary 40’000 CZK per month. For living cost estimates see www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/in/Prague.
  • The position is full-time (part-time position can be negotiated), with no teaching obligations and comes with additional funding (above 100’000 CZK per year) for travel and other research expenses.
  • Qualification requirements: PhD degree or its equivalent awarded before the moment of employment, but no earlier than 1st January 2012 (not including parental leave and sick leave in the case of a long-term illness).
  • Due to the conditions of junior projects of the Czech Science Foundation the candidate should not exceed the age of 37 years by the end of 2021 (parental leave and long-term illness leave excluded).
  • The applications should be sent to ics@cs.cas.cz and should contain: (i) a motivation letter; (ii) a CV; (iii) a list of publications; (iv) a proof of education. Moreover, two recommendation letters should be sent by the referees to ics@cs.cas.cz before the application deadline.
  • Application deadline: 31 May 2021, anywhere in the world.
  • Late applications will be considered until the position is filled. Candidates applying before the deadline may be given priority.

For more details see sites.google.com/site/matassileikis/. Informal inquiries are welcome and should be sent to matas@cs.cas.cz.