In the list of publications, you will find the complete output of our researchers since 1961.
- Off-diagonal disorder by projection operator formalismSolid State Commun. 17 (1975) 643
- Ferromagnetism for the Hubbard model in the analogy approximationphys. status solidi b 68 (1975) 207
- Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 25 (1975) 567-574.
- physica status solidi (a) 30 (1975) 587-591.
- Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 25 (1975) 906-915.
- Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 25 (1975) 475-478.
- Physics Letters A 55 (1975) 429-430.
- Projection of the UHF ground state wave function of the high-conductivity 1:1 TCNQ saltsCzech. J. Phys. 25 (1975) 168
- Role of Population analysis in LCAO-MO theory of transition-metal clustersCzech. J. Phys. 25 (1975) 1201
- Comparaison de l'effet de sorption des substances anti-'emissives du siliciure de zirconium, et zirconium et d'alliage 84 per. Zr + 16 per. Al.Vide, Le: Les Couches Minces 177/178 (1975) 149-152.
- Non-uniqueness of the heat current operator and the hopping thermoelectric and Nernst Ettingshausen effects in amorphous semiconductorsCzech. J. Phys. 25 (1975) 526
- The two band models in the theory of disordered substitutional alloysphys. status solidi b 70 (1975) 759