Electron Optics
The members of the group are engaged in the study of electron optical elements and systems from both theoretical and practical point of view, aiming at the improvement of electron optical systems. We have our own powerful programs for the computation of electromagnetic fields and their optical properties at our disposal, with user interfaces developed in cooperation with TU Delft, and programs from University of Manchester; we use the CAD system for the mechanical design. Thanks to the specialization of the team members (e.g. particle optics, vacuum physics, fine mechanics) it is possible to perform the theoretical and mechanical design up to the experimental realization. At present we are interested in the problems of Wien filter. This interesting element has a practical application in the low voltage scanning electron microscope, and it represents a number of electron optical challenges not only from the point of view of electron optics but also the mechanical design because of stringent requirements on the accuracy of the combination of electrostatic and magnetic fields. Additional activities are directed towards the improvement of the computer methods of electron optical simulations.