
Výběrová řízení

20. 09. 2022
Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR, v. v. i. vyhlašuje v souladu se zákonem č. 283/1992 Sb. o Akademii věd České republiky, ve znění zákona č. 420/2005 Sb. a Stanov AV ČR výběrové řízení na pozici Research Assistant in Supporting Science-Policy Interfaces.

The Institute of Global Change Research of the Czech Academy of Science (CzechGlobe) is seeking a Research Assistant to join the Department of Human Dimensions of Global Change. The position is a fixed term contract, and will contribute to multiple projects of the department.

About the employer

Global Change Research Institute CAS (CzechGlobe) is one of the institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences. CzechGlobe conducts a comprehensive scientific research on issues of the global climate change and its impacts on the atmosphere, terrestrial ecosystems and human society through the use of the up-to-date research techniques and instrumentation. The research focuses primarily on the development of climate and its future scenarios, on the carbon cycle and the effects of changing conditions on the production and biodiversity of ecosystems and on the impacts on the future development and behavior of our society.

The Department of Human Dimensions of Global Change is focussed on research that explores the relationships between human society, natural systems and global change. The work is inter- and trans-disciplinary, with an emphasis on the policy and practical use of research results. As such, researchers are skilled at bringing together scientists and knowledge from a range of disciplines, alongside practitioners and civil society to identify pertinent research gaps, and co-create relevant knowledge and solutions to environmental problems.

About the projects

This position will be will be a part of Horizon Europe-funded and national projects focusing on roadmaps to more sustainable futures for Czechia, Eastern Europe and European Union. The projects support current science-policy processes, particularly the IPBES Nexus Assessment and the IBPES Transformative Change Assessment. All of the projects include intensive work with stakeholders and the organisation of a series of stakeholder workshops.

About the role

Main responsibilities

The employee will be responsible for assisting project activities, providing organisational support to project tasks and helping collect relevant knowledge base.

The position will include the following activities:

  • Organisational and technical support to project activities (preparation of materials, organising project meetings, communication within the project team, etc.)
  • Preparing and organizing participatory workshops,
  • Processing qualitative and quantitative data from participatory workshops,
  • Working with scientific literature,
  • Communicating with actors in case studies,
  • Collaborating on reports and scientific publications,
  • Cooperating with the project team.

We offer

  • Interesting scientific work in an interdisciplinary research team set within the structure of the Czech Academy of Sciences,
  • Establishing research contacts within an international research project,
  • Appropriate salary,
  • A high degree of flexibility at work, with an emphasis on the quality of professional outputs,
  • Options for personal development and further education.

Qualification requirements

  • Master's degree in environmental studies,
  • Excellent organisational, coordination and communication skills,
  • Ability to work with professional literature and scientific publications,
  • Ability to work with PC, MS Office (Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint) at the appropriate level,
  • Basic skills in qualitative research design and methodology in social science,
  • Excellent teamwork,
  • Fluency in Czech and English,
  • Willingness to participate in project-related trips in Czechia and abroad.

Contract details

  • Contract length: Initially 1 year, with potential prolongation for the duration of the project (4 years)
  • Contract start: October 2022
  • FTE: 1,0

To apply

For informal enquiries, please contact Zuzana Harmáčková, PhD, at

To submit your application, send the following documents to by 9 October 2022.

  • Structured CV: education (including the title of theses and relevant courses); work experience; list of publications (if available); previous experience with research activities and involvement in (research) projects; key skills; level of language skills; contact information; 2 references.
  • Cover letter, outlining your suitability for the post specification provided above and indicating how you would approach the position.

Uzávěrka přihlášek: 09. 10. 2022

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