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18 Nov 20 - 2 Aug 24
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Combinatorial group


17-21.12.2018: workshop on structure and randomness in hypergraphs (I.R.)

17-25.12.2018: research visit to Vilnius University (M.Š.)

3-7.12.2018: workshop Recent Advances in Extremal Combinatorics (J.G.)

3-4.12.2018: workshop ITI-fest (D.P.)

1-30.11.2018: research visit to Warwick University (J.G.)

12-16.11.2018: Jan Volec visiting

2.10.2018: talk at the Combinatorical and Algebraic Structures Seminar, FJFI ČVUT: Subgraph counts in random graphs (M.Š.)

26.9.2018: talk at the seminar of Núcleo Milenio Información y Coordinación en Redes: A Median-Type Condition for Graph Tiling (M.S.)

5.9.2018: talk at the outing of the institute of Computer Science: Spectral Bisection with Two Eigenvectors (I.R.)

5.9.2018: talk at the outing of the institute of Computer Science: Peeling Potatoes Near-Optimally in Near-Linear Time (M.S.)

27-31.8.2018: 1st Southwestern German Workshop on Graph Theory (D.P.)

28.8.2018: talk at the 1st Southwestern German Workshop on Graph Theory: Packing degenerate graphs (D.P.)

5-12.8.2018: research visit to Adam Mickiewicz University (M.Š.)

6-10.8.2018: Casey Tompkins visiting

27.7.-4.8.2018: Demetres Christofides and Viresh Patel visiting

30.7-3.8.2018: Midsummer Combinatorial Workshop XXIII (D.P.)

16-20.7.2018: Prague Summer School on Discrete Mathematics 2018 (I.R.)

16-20.7.2018: Pilar Cano visiting

28.6-13.7.2018: research visit to Vilnius University (M.Š.)

2-6.7.2018: 12th International Vilnius Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics and 2018 IMS Annual Meeting on Probability and Statistics (M.Š.)

5.7.2018: talk at the 12th International Vilnius Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics and 2018 IMS Annual Meeting on Probability and Statistics: Limit Distribution of Clique Counts in Dense Inhomogeneous Graphs (M.Š.)

4-8.6.2018: SIAM conference on Discrete Mathematics (I.R., M.Š.)

4.6.2018: talk at the minisymposium of SIAM conference on Discrete Mathematics: Embedding the Uniform Random Graph into the Bipartite Regular Random Graph (M.Š.)

6.6.2018: talk at the minisymposium of SIAM conference on Discrete Mathematics: Layout of Random Circulant Graphs (I.R.)

20-25.5.2018: Tomas Juškevičius visiting

12-13.4.2018: STAR Workshop on Random Graphs 2018 (M.Š.)

13.4.2018: talk at the STAR workshop on Random Graphs 2018: Counterexamples to the Demarco-Kahn conjecture on the upper tail of subgraph counts (M.Š.)

26-30.3.2018: Workshop Graph limits (J.G., D.P., I.R., V.R., M.S., M.Š.)

22.3.2018: talk at the workshop on graph limits: Tilings in graphons (D.P.)

21.3.2018: talk at the workshop on graph limits: Perfect graphons: colorings and cliques (I.R.)

20.3.2018: talk at the workshop on graph limits: Norming graphs (V.R.)

19.3.2018: talk at the workshop on graph limits:Subgraphs in G(n,W) (M.Š.)

22.1.-4.2.2018: research visit to Adam Mickiewics University (M.Š.)

23.1.2018: talk Upper tail wags random graphs at the Discrete Mathematics seminar (M.Š.)

22.1.-2.2.2018: International Research School on Graph Limits and International Workshop on Graph Limits. (I.R., V.R.)

22-26.1.2018: Viresh Patel visiting

Events in italic were (partially) financed by Czech Science Foundation junior project Extremal Graph Theory and Applications