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A postdoc or junior researcher position is available to join the Logic Group at the ICS for the project Coalition and Epistemic Logic: An Intensional Approach to Groups (CELIA), jointly funded by the German and the Czech Science Foundations.
The CELIA project studies the consequences of lifting a significant, but until now, largely overlooked idealization in logical models of group knowledge, beliefs, and action: the “extensional” view of groups, where a group is reduced to its extension, i.e., the set of its members. To lift this idealization, CELIA studies the “intensional” view of groups, which loosens the relationship between group membership and group identity, and applies it to questions in epistemic, doxastic, and coalition logic. More information about the project can be found here: https://www.celia.uni-bayreuth.de/.
We are looking for junior researchers ready to conduct unsupervised research in close collaboration with members of the project team and the Logic group, within the area of the project. The successful applicant will be embedded in a lively and international team of philosophical logicians and computer scientists working in the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague, University of Bayreuth, and the MCMP in Munich.
The ICS is an equal-opportunity employer committed to creating an inclusive environment for everyone. Do not hesitate to contact the principal investigator for more details on the project and informal inquiries concerning the position: Mgr. Marta Bílková, Ph.D., bilkova@cs.cas.cz, https://sites.google.com/view/martabilkova/.