
Výběrová řízení

21. 12. 2022
Filosofický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i. vyhlašuje výběrové řízení na pozici Postdoktorandský vědecký pracovník v oboru historie.

The Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences (IP CAS), P.R.I., is a public research institution performing systematic research in philosophy and related disciplines. With almost 250 employees, it is the largest SSH (Social Sciences and Humanities) institute within the Czech Academy of Sciences. IP CAS mission is to engage in excellent research of internationally comparable quality and to develop awareness of national identity via critical examination of the history of ideas in the Czech Lands and in the Central European context.

We are looking for a

Postdoctoral Researcher in History

To join the GA ČR JUNIOR STAR project “Normalisation and Emergence: Rethinking the Dynamics of Mathematics. The case of Prague in the First Half of the 19th Century”, the Principal Investigator of which will be Dr Elías Fuentes Guillén and which will be based at the Institute of Philosophy.


Project description

The project aims to study how certain mathematical practices were set as a norm and how new practices emerged in the Czech lands during the first half of the 19th century. As a case study, the focus of this project will be understanding the development of mathematics in Prague with particular attention to the work of Bernard Bolzano and to the context in which he was living. The project’s approach is inspired by the ‘turn to practice’ which has had a profound effect on the history and philosophy of mathematics in recent decades, and it incorporates elements from the textual studies, the studies of mathematical cultures and the history of mathematics education. It also involves as aims the construction of a digital archive of a subset of Bolzano’s mathematical manuscripts and has a commitment to promoting public engagement with mathematics and its history.


Job description

The successful candidate is expected to carry out research on the cultural and socio-institutional context in the first half of the 19th century that is relevant for the aims of the project. She/he is not expected to have any specialist knowledge of mathematics, but he/she is expected to have an interest in science in general. As part of her/his work, the successful candidate will not only collaborate in the research that is the focus of the project, but also in the development of the digital archive and the promotion of public engagement.



  • PhD in History.
  • Specialisation in 18th-19th centuries.
  • Interest in the subject of the project.
  • Proficiency in English and German.
  • Good level of Czech.
  • Ability to communicate effectively.
  • Competence to carry out both independent as well as collaborative research.


We offer

  • Part-time employment (0,5 FTE, equivalent to 20 hours per week).
  • Fixed-term contract for one year, with the possibility of extension for the whole project duration (till December 2027) by mutual agreement.
  • Salary of approximately 22,000 CZK per month (gross salary, already converted to the part-time job).
  • Employee benefits (25 days of vacation, up to 8 days of sick leave, meal card, Multisport card, possibility of language courses and more).
  • Regular opportunities for national and international collaboration, journal publications and contribution for conferences in the Czech Republic and abroad.
  • Participation in a prestigious academic project.
  • Pleasant working environment and workplace in the centre of Prague.


Applications should include

  • Cover letter (in English, up to 2 standard pages).
  • 1 sample of academic writing (in English).
  • CV (in English, up to 5 pages).
  • 1 reference letter to be submitted (as below) directly by its author (in Czech or English).


Application deadline: 30th of January 2023.

Starting date: By mutual agreement from the 1st of March 2023.


Applications, and the reference letter, should be submitted by email to Petra Zákostelecká ( at the latest by the 30th of January 2023. For questions directly related to the project, please contact Dr Elías Fuentes Guillén (


Selected candidates will be invited for a personal interview at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Candidates who are not selected for interview will be contacted by the end of February to inform them that we have given preference to other candidates.


By sending an application you grant the Institute of Philosophy the right to process and keep your personal data for the purpose of the selection process pertaining to a position at the said institute in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR). The said consent may be revoked at any time.

Uzávěrka přihlášek: 30. 01. 2023

Dovolujeme si Vás informovat, že zasláním odpovědi na inzerát poskytujete příslušnému správci své osobní údaje, a to za účelem realizace výběrového řízení a uzavření pracovní smlouvy nebo dohody (DPP, DPČ) ohledně Vámi vybrané pozice. Toto zpracování Vašich osobních údajů bude prováděno na právním základě splnění smlouvy dle 6 odst. 1 písm. b) obecného nařízení o ochraně osobních údajů (GDPR). Vaše osobní údaje budou zpracovávány pouze v nezbytném rozsahu a pouze po dobu trvání výběrového řízení na danou pozici. Zpracování Vašich osobních údajů bude dostatečně zabezpečeno, Vaše osobní údaje nebudou bez Vašeho souhlasu předávány třetím osobám. V souladu s příslušnými právními předpisy Vás informujeme, že máte právo (i) na přístup k osobním údajům, (ii) na opravu či doplnění nepřesných nebo nepravdivých osobních údajů, (iii) na výmaz osobních údajů, (iv) na omezení zpracování osobních údajů ve zvláštních případech, (v) na přenositelnost údajů, (vi) vznést námitku proti zpracování a (vii) obrátit se na Úřad pro ochranu osobních údajů.