A doctoral student position - Ref. No. 2023/4
A doctoral student position is available in the Department of Artificial Intelligence. The student will perform research on the usage of SAT
modulo theory solvers for non-linear multi-agent path planning tasks.
[ Ostatní příležitosti ]
- Contract duration: until the end of year 2023, possible extension if funding available.
- Gross salary 30 000 CZK per month, full-time equivalent. 0.75FTE is expected, that means 22500 CZK per month. For living cost estimates see
Cost Of Living Comparison.
- No teaching duties.
Applications should:
- Expect to obtain a Ph.D. degree (i.e., either Ph.D. students or a serious candidate for such a position)
- Have a background in computer science.
- Be fluent in English.
- Advantageous (but not required) prior expertise: experience with SAT modulo theory solvers, experience with formal modeling of application problems,
scientific writing skills, ideally documented by authorship of scientific publications.
The applications are to be sent to ics@cs.cas.cz and should contain:
- Mention the Ref. No. 2023/4.
- The applicant's curriculum vitae.
- A proof of the obtained degree.