Article Processing Charges (APCs):
As an Open Access journal, we provide online
access free of charge.
The publishing costs are covered by the author or by their institution/funding agency on
their behalf in the form of an Article Processing Charge (APC).
Authors should consider in advance whether they have sufficient
funds to cover the full Article Publishing Costs.
Papers accepted for publication will be charged as follows:
- REVIEW (word limit 10000 words*), 100 references, no more than
10 figures/tables): 955 EUR** (including tax)
limit max. 5000 words*, 45 references, no more than 6 figures/tables):
1155 EUR** (including tax)
- SHORT COMMUNICATION (word limit max. 2500 words*, 20
references, no more than 2 figures/tables): 505 EUR** (including tax)
*All word counts refer to a title page, abstract,
the main body
of the article including references. The text exceeding the above limits
might be charged additionally by Editorial Office.
**Since 2020, the Article Processing Charge also
includes 55 euros for conversion to xml format
to meet the requirements of the world databases.