Seznam grantů a projektů 4D plate - Spatiotemporal dynamics of cell plate development Mass spectrometry approaches for plant immunity studies The plasticity of protein-lipid interfaces in plant membranes perceived through evolutionary lenses 2020-2021 Cycle of phosphorous in alternative systems of wastewater treatment plants (Koloběh fosforu v alternativních systémech čistění odpadních vod) 2020 The effect of plants on the efficiency of small constructed wetlands - vertical systems (Vliv rostlin na účinnost malých kořenových čistíren - vertikální systémy) Large RI Project LM2018129 Czech-BioImaging Role of diacylglycerol-kinases in the plant unfolded protein response Support for the process of commercializing the results of research and development at the Institute of Experimental botany AS CR, v.v.i. Physiological, biochemical, molecular and phylogenic characterization of metabolic pathways and mechanisms of cytokinin down-regulation in plants Anatomical and physiological constraints as key factors governing plant vegetative regeneration from roots Diamanty v prachu. Genetické základy květní indukce u zástupců rodu Chenopodium s kontrastní odpovědí na fotoperiodu. Evoluce diploidně-polyploidního komplexu Chenopodium album agg. Společná anebo paralelní evoluce severoamerických a euroasijských druhů? Good-Cop/Bad-Cop: Distinct roles of anionic phospholipids in plant endocytosis SIGNALS - The role of anionic phospholipids in the regulation of endocytosis in tip-growing plant cells 2018-2019 The effect of plants on the efficiency of small constructed wetlands (Vliv rostlin na účinnost malých kořenových čistíren) Centre for Experimental Plant Biology Control of plant exocyst function by protein phosphorylation in root hairs and pollen tubes - role of unconventional exocyst complex subunits EXO70C The profile of carotenoids in selected apple varieties in relation to storage conditions The role of polyamines in the process of plant autophagy Contribution of super-resolution microscopy and image analysis to the study of plant in vitro cultures with the emphasis on somatic embryogenesis of conifers Charakterizace kompatibility vztahů mezi původci fomového černání stonku a odrůdami ozimé řepky jako základ pro zvýšení rentability pěstování této plodiny v ČR A new insight into the role of phospholipase in leaf senescence Environmental impact of noble metal nanoparticles Multifaceted analysis of diacylglycerol kinase family in plants Phospholipid metabolizing enzymes as new components of salicylic acid signalling pathway Phospholipid metabolizing enzymes as new components of salicylic acid signalling pathway Inactivation of cytokinin-type phytohormones via N- and O-glucosylation – phylogeny and significance in evolution of hormonal homeostatic mechanisms Tower of Babel: Mitochondrial-nuclear interactions in the gynodioecious species Silene vulgaris investigated with transcriptomics. Impact of humanised glycosylation pathway on protein accumulation and traficking in plant seeds Plant exocyst complex function in autophagy-related membrane transport 1(current) 2 3 4 5 next last