International meeting related to the technology of high speed water jet, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic.
17.10.2023  –  19.10.2023
International conference on manufacturing engineering and materials, High Tatras, Slovakia.
26.06.2023  –  30.06.2023
Current topics in the series of expert lectures.
01.06.2023  09:00
International symposium on nanomaterials and nanotechnology, Ostrava, Czech Republic.
15.05.2023  –  18.05.2023
Workshop, Ostrava, Czech Republic.
10.05.2023  –  11.05.2023
Milan Kraus, Daria Nováková and Jana Rušajová awarded for their long-time work.
Journal Moravian Geographical Reports.
New knowledge and measurements in seismology, engineering geophysics and geotechnical engineering, Ostrava, Czech Republic.
28.03.2023  –  29.03.2023
Prof. Radim Blaheta awarded in memoriam by the Georgius Agricola Commemorative Medal (in Czech).
Prof. Eva Zazimalova visited the Institute of Geonics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (in Czech).