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«2022 2023 2024 »
29 captures
1 Apr 22 - 4 Jul 24
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Undergraduate students affected by serious circumstances such as a military conflict

Several undergraduate part-time positions are available at the Institute of Computer Science of The Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, in the Combinatorial group: uivty.cs.cas.cz/ExtrA/.

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Quick Info

  • Contract duration: until the end of year 2022, possible extension if funding available.
  • Gross salary 27 000 CZK per month, full-time equivalent. 0.5FTE is expected, that means 13 500 CZK per month. For living cost estimates see Cost Of Living in Prague
  • Job content: We expect the employee to get acquainted with combinatorics in a way that will eventually lead to a research project supervised by one or several members of the Combinatorial group of the Institute of Computer Science. No previous knowledge of combinatorics is required, though we expect the applicant to have solid mathematical foundations.
  • Qualification requirements: recent enrollment in a study program in mathematics or related field (e.g., Computer Science, Engineering) and study being affected by serious circumstances such as a military conflict.
  • The applications can be sent to ics@cs.cas.cz and should include statement discussing academic background and relevant circumstances. Further documentation might be required later.
  • English is a plus, however we do accept applications in Ukrainian or Russian, as well.

The successful applicants will join our Combinatorial group, receive training in Discrete Mathematics and participate in research projects.

Informal inquiries are welcomed and should be addressed to piguet@cs.cas.cz.