Complex Photonics
Understanding life has huge implications on our development and wellbeing. The outstanding complexity of living organisms brings questions we can’t answer, because there are strong limitations of available technologies giving sufficiently detailed insight through scattering tissues.
Amongst other activities we develop a new class of endoscopes that can break through this barrier. This technology can potentially go as far as reaching super-resolution with instruments having a footprint comparable to the dimensions of a single cell. Project Gate2μ is supported from European Regional Development Fund (No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000476) and progresses in synergy with ERC-Consolidator grant LIFEGATE hosted by Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology in Jena.
Stephen Simpson |
Johanna Trägårdh |
Latest publications:
Cifuentes A., Trägårdh J. , "A method for single particle tracking through a multimode fiber", Opt. Express 30, 36055-36064 (2022) (ABSTRACT)
A Abdelfattah et al. , "Neurophotonic tools for microscopic measurements and manipulation: status report", Neurophoton. 9(S1) 013001(2022) (ABSTRACT)
Jákl P, Šiler M, Ježek J, and Cifuentes A, Trägårdh J, Zemánek P and Čižmár T, "Endoscopic Imaging Using a Multimode Optical Fibre Calibrated with Multiple Internal References.", Photonics, 9, 37 (2022) (ABSTRACT)
Stellinga D, Phillips DB, Mekhail SP, Selyem A, Turtaev S, Čižmár T, "Time-of-flight 3D imaging through multimode optical fibers.", Science, 374, 1395-1399 (2021) (ABSTRACT)
Tučková T., Šiler M., Boonzajer Flaes DE, Jákl P., Turtaev S., Krátký S., Heintzmann R., Uhlířová H., Čižmár T., "Computational image enhancement of multimode fibre-based holographic endo-microscopy: harnessing the muddy modes.", Opt. Express, 29, 38206–38220 (2021) (ABSTRACT)
Silveira BM, Pikálek T., Stibůrek M., Ondráčková P., Jákl P., Leite IT, Čižmár T., "Side-view holographic endomicroscopy via a custom-terminated multimode fibre.", Opt. Express, 29, 23083–23095 (2021) (ABSTRACT)
Cifuentes A., Pikálek T., Ondráčková P., Amezcua-Correa R., Antonio-Lopez J. E., Čižmár T., Trägårdh J., "Polarization-resolved second-harmonic generation imaging through a multimode fiber.", Optica 8, 1065-1074 (2021) (ABSTRACT)
Boonzajer Flaes DE , Štolzová H., Čižmár T., "Time-averaged image projection through a multimode fiber.", Opt. Express, 29, 28005–28020 (2021) (ABSTRACT)
Trägårdh J., Pikálek T., Šerý M., Meyer T., Popp J., Čižmár T., "Label-free CARS microscopy through a multimode fiber endoscope", Opt. Express 27, 30055–30066 (2019) (ABSTRACT)
Sergey Turtaev, Ivo T. Leite, Kevin J. Mitchell, Miles J. Padgett, David B. Phillips, Tomáš Čižmár, "Comparison of nematic liquid-crystal and DMD based spatial light modulation in complex photonics", Opt. Express 25, 29874-29884 (2017)
Pikálek T., Trägårdh J., Simpson S., Čižmár T., "Wavelength dependent characterization of a multimode fibre endoscop”, Opt. Express, 27 28239–28253 (2019) ( ABSTRACT)
Sergey Turtaev, Ivo T. Leite, Tristan Altwegg-Boussac, Janelle M. P. Pakan, Nathalie L. Rochefort, Tomáš Čižmár, "High-fidelity multimode fibre-based endoscopy for deep brain in vivo imaging", Light: Science & Applications, volume 7, Article number: 92 (2018) (ABSTRACT)
Ivo T. Leite, Sergey Turtaev, Xin Jiang, Martin Šiler, Alfred Cuschieri, Philip St.J. Russell, Tomáš Čižmár, "3-D holographic optical manipulation through high-NA soft-glass multimode fibre”, Nature Photonics (advanced online publication) (2017) ( ABSTRACT)
Team leader: Tomas Cizmar
+420 541 514 131