Nanobubbles on electrode surfaces: Properties, interactions and surface restructuring

Grant Agency
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
Mesoscopic electrode materials.
Electrochemical conversion and accumulation of energy.
Year from
Year to
So far unknown mechanism of formation, long-lasting stability and properties of nanobubbles (NB) ofboth ambient and electrochemically generated gases on the solid/liquid interfaces will be investigated insitu by atomic force microscopy (AFM) - the only technique directly visualizing NB. NB parametersincluding morphology and forces of NB-solid phase interaction will be studied by AFM topography anddynamic force spectroscopy DFS-AFM in relation to physical and chemical properties of solid and liquidparts of interface (chemical composition, surface tension/wetttability, charge) modified alsoelectrochemically (ECAFM) by applied potential. In conjunction with Raman spectroscopy and ex situanalytical techniques (HRTEM/diffraction analysis, XPS) it allows identification of relevant structuraland chemical changes of the solid phase. Based on above mentioned experiments, the plausibility of sofar existing different nanobubble models will be examined.

Ing. Janda Pavel CSc.

pavel.janda at
502, 05
+420 26605 3966, 2012