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Multichannel Flare Spectrograph Data Archive

Video-records: 1996

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             Cassette number 21

Date         Time (UT)            Counter         Remarks
17.04.       14:46:16-14:48:15    00:00:02        active region W; prominence SW
                                                  whole Sun; active region
18.04        06:23:38-06:25:25    00:02:02        a.r. W , promin.SW, whole Sun
22.04        06:06:14-06:07:55    00:03:49        a.r. SW, whole Sun,prom. SE
23.04        06:06:32-06:08:19    00:05:29        a.r. SW,whole Sun,prom. SE,a.r
26.04        10:43:38-10:45;25    00:07:17        whole Sun, prom. W
03.05        06:21:05-06:22:46    00:09:04        whole Sun
06.05        06:06:31-06:08:00    00:10:46        whole Sun, prominence NW
07.05        06:31:28-06:33:02    00:12:17        whole Sun, active region E
17.05        07:41:16-07:42:02    00:13:51        whole Sun
18.05        05:50:42-05:52:42    00:14:37        whole Sun, prom. SE, active
                                                  region W, prominence
19.05        06:34:09-06:36:01    00:16:37        whole Sun, prominence SW
21.05        05:49:17-05:50:55    00:19:31        whole Sun
24.05        06:02:54-06:04:56    00:20:10        prominence SE, whole Sun
29.05        06:28:06-06:29:36    00:22:13        whole Sun
30.05        06:17:28-06:19:10    00:23:45        whole Sun
31.05        05:27:42-05:29:32    00:25:27        whole Sun, prominence E
05.06        06:03:41-06:06:40    00:27:18        whole Sun, prom.SW,SE, a.r.W,
                                                  a.r. in center, prom.NE,NW,SE
             14:42:52-14:49:45    00:30:27        a.r. in center
             14:51:40-14:57:35    00:35:08        region E - filament
             15:04:00-15:06:44    00:41:03        a.r. in center, whole Sun,
                                                  prom. SW,SE; a.r. W; prom.NW;
                                                  a.r. in center
06.06        06:06:46-06:09:21    00:43:47        a.r. in center; filament E;
                                                  whole Sun; a.r. W; filam
             07:51:28-07:52:40    00:46:25        a.r. in center; filament E
             07:53:43-07:54:26    00:47:37        prominence NW
             07:59:37-08:16:00    00:48:22        filament; a.r. in center;
                                                  prominence NW
             11:50:53-11:51:52    00:53:19        prominence NW; a.r. in center
             12:34:38-12:39:45    00:54:18        prominences SE,NW
             12:47:43-12:56:15    00:59:26        a.r. in center; prom. SE; fil;
                                                  a.r. in center; prom.NW
07.06        05:55:16-05:58:44    01:07:57        a.r. in center and W; whole
                                                  Sun; prominences SW,SE
             10:43:26-10:44:32    01:11:27        a.r. in center; filament
             12:42:42-14:51:23    01:12:33        active region in center
08.06        05:52:18-05:54:55    01:20:53        a.r. in center; filament in
                                                  center; whole Sun; a.r. W
             07:23:50-07:27:30    01:23:31        filament; a.r. in center
             07:55:53-08:00:38    01:27:11        filament
             08:09:37-08:11:44    01:32:03        filam.; a.r.; limb; prom. E
             11:52:28-11:58:10    01:34:17        filam. in center; active reg.
             13:28:27-13:33:13    01:38:42        NOAA 7968
             13:49:18-13:49:46    01:43:29        filament; active region
             16:20:37-16:23:11    01:43:57        filament; whole Sun
09.06        05:53:27-05:56:46    01:46:33        active reg.; filam.; whole Sun
             09:44:25-09:46:08    01:49:53        active region
             12:10:23-12:11:00    01:51:36        active region; filam. in center
10.06        06:16:25-06:18:37    01:52:14        active region; whole Sun; prominence SW
15.06        06:12:29-06:14:08    01:54:27        whole Sun; prominence SE
16.06        04:38:47-04:40:42    01:56:07        whole Sun; prominence NW
17.06        07:22:50-07:25:17    01:58:02        whole Sun; prominences SE,NE,NW
             09:57:11-09:58:00    02:00:30        prominences NE,NW
18.06        05:39:27-05:42:18    02:01:20        whole Sun; prominences NW,E,NE
19.06        08:37:02-08:39:58    02:04:12        whole Sun
20.06        06:44:34-06:46:35    02:06:10        active region E; whole Sun
21.06        07:31:11-07:33:00    02:08:11        active region E
27.06        08:44:27-08:46:55    02:10:01        whole Sun; active region in center; limb E
06.07        07:08:20-07:11:31    02:12:29        whole Sun; filament in center
07.07        08:15:05-08:18:45    02:14:27        whole Sun; filament and active 
                                                  region in center
14.07        06:28:27-06:34:36    02:18:06        whole Sun; prominences SE,NW,W
             08:03:53-08:06:29    02:23:15        whole Sun; prominences SE,NW
             08:44:19-08:49:51    02:25:51        prominence W
01.08        13:21:32-13:26:24    02:30:05        a.r. in center; whole Sun; prom.NW
             13:59:53-14:02:26    02:34:57        NOAA 7981; prominence NW
             15:29:25-15:30:30    02:37:30        active region
02.08        06:01:55-06:04:15    02:38:35        NOAA 7978
             06:09:50-06:12:34    02:40:56        whole Sun; prom. NW; active region
             06:14:19-06:17:24    02:43:41        NOAA 7978
             07:08:09-07:09:30    02:46:46        NOAA 7978
             07:10:25-07:10:54    02:48:07        prominence NW
09.08        06:25:22-06:28:16    02:48:36        a.r. in center; whole Sun; prom. W
             06:48:38-06:48:59    02:51:32        active region in center
             07:36:16-07:40:46    02:51:53        active region; prominence NW
             08:35:09-08:37:03    02:56:24        prom. W; a.r. in center
             08:46:29-08:46:36    02:58:19        active region in center
11.08        08:09:22-08:14:57    02:58:27        whole Sun; prom. NE; a.r. in center
13.08        07:33:54-07:36:07    03:04:03        whole Sun; active region NW
             08:30:33-08:31:15    03:06:16        active region NW
             09:06:49-09:07:13    03:07:00        prominence SE
15.08        13:43:18-13:45:13    03:07:24        whole Sun
18.08        07:39:58-07:41:43    03:09:19        whole Sun
             07:47:42-07:50:56    03:11:04        N part; active region; prominence E
             09:18:16-09:21:23    03:14:18        active region; prominences E,NW; limb

             Cassette number 22

Date        Time (UT)            Counter          Remarks
18.08        09:47:26-09:51:14    00:00:00        whole Sun, active region on
                                                  limb,prominence E
             11:27:58-11:34:26    00:03:49               "
             11:51:30-11:51:51    00:07:25        active region
             13:07:05-13:07:32    00:07:47        active region
             13:08:18-13:08:50    00:08:15        prominence E
19.08        06:00:59-06:03:07    00:08:48        promin. SE,whole Sun,act.reg.
             07:03:23-07:05:20    00:10:57        act.reg.,promin. SE
23.08        05:38:16-05:44:14    00:11:44        promin. SE, act.reg. NW
             07:24:27-07:25:29    00:16:27               "
             07:55:36-07:58:23    00:17:30        prominence SE
             11:18:22-11:19:25    00:20:18               "
24.08        08:13:51-08:24:29    00:21:21        act.reg.SE, whole Sun,
                                                  promin.E, promin.NE
             08:40:19-08:42:02    00:27:41        act.reg. SE
             08:48:44-08:49:01    00:29:25        promin. SE
             09:37:28-09:38:42    00:29:44        act.reg. SE, promin. NE
             09:43:16-09:44:10    00:30:59        act.reg. SE, NOAA 7986
             09:45:42-09:45:53    00:31:54        NW region
             10:56:51-10:59:27    00:32:05        SE region, filament E,
                                                  prominence NE, NW region
             11:14:59-12:24:37    00:34:42        SE reg.,filam.E, NE region
             13:49:02-13:47:52    00:36:34        act.reg. SE
             13:51:20-13:51:29    00:37:26        NE region
26.08        05:51:17-06:14:22    00:37:35        whole Sun, SE region
             07:26:06-07:29:02    00:46:39        limb, SE reg.
             13:41:15-13:43:43    00:49:35        act.reg. SE, promin. E
             13:44:45-13:45:31    00:52:04        W limb
29.08        13:52:12-13:55:50    00:52:50        whole Sun, active region in
                                                  center, W limb with promin.
30.08        09:01:37-09:06:45    00:56:29        promin. SE, whole Sun,act.reg
                                                  in center,promin. E,whole Sun,
             09:07:18-09:07:58    01:01:38        W limb
             09:09:00-09:09:59    01:02:18        active region in center
             11:50:32-11:51:18    01:03:18              "
             11:52:05-11:52:44    01:04:04        promin. SE
             11:53:15-11:53:42    01:04:43        promin. E
             11:54:28-11:54:47    01:05:11        promin. W
             11:56:44-11:57:14    01:05:31        filament in center
03.09        06:01:14-06:11:37    01:06:02        whole Sun
             07:44:43-07:46:06    01:09:21        filament W
             07:46:44-07:47:32    01:10:44        prominence SW
             07:49:00-07:50:02    01:11:33        filament
             07:55:19-07:56:55    01:12:36        filament W
                     ?            01:14:13        filament NW
                     ?            01:15:12        filament NW
                     ?            01:16:13        prominence SW
                     ?            01:17:36        filament NW
04.09        07:57:10-08:03:35    01:18:18        whole Sun, promin. SW,NW
             08:04:31-08:05:15    01:23:34        promin. SW
             08:38:32-08:40:32    01:24:19        promin. NW
             09:15:07-09:17:41    01:26:20             "
             10:49:31-10:57:55    01:28:55             "
             10:58:44-11:00:12    01:32:43       NW region
             11:00:48-11:01:43    01:34:11       promin. SW
             11:04:30-11:06:03    01:35:07       promin. NW
             11:51:04-11:53:40    01:36:40            "
05.09        05:59:53-06:03:12    01:39:16       promin. NW, whole Sun
             08:14:53-08:15:26    01:42:36       promin. NNW
             08:59:59-09:00:41    01:43:09            "
             10:52:28-10:52:57    01:44:03            "
10.09        05:57:12-05:58:57    01:44:33       whole Sun
11.09        08:05:10-08:06:50    01:46:19       whole Sun
13.09        06:22:15-06:30:58    01:48:00       whole Sun, limb
15.09        09:17:56-09:27:13    01:51:12       whole Sun, promin. SE,NE
19.09        06:26:07-06:30:42    01:58:58       whole Sun, promin.W,SE,E,
                                                 filament SE
             08:29:52-08:30:14    02:03:36       promin. W
             08:31:13-08:31:45    02:04:00       filament
             08:34:14-08:34:47    02:04:32       promin. SE
             11:57:44-11:59:37    02:05:06       promin. E,SE
             12:00:17-12:00:34    02:06:59       promin. W
20.09        06:09:14-06:12:06    02:07:36       promin. SE,E, whole Sun
             06:24:09-06:24:48    02:10:29       promin. SE
             09:00:04-09:16:15    02:11:08            "
27.09        08:30:31-08:47:11    02:12:28       act. reg. in center, filam. NW
             08:48:37-08:49:27    02:30:21       promin. W
             10:47:34-10:50:45    02:31:12       filament, prominence W
             11:32:57-11:34:03    02:34:24       filament, prominence W, SE
28.09        07:42:40-07:46:28    02:36:31       whole Sun, prominence SE,W
                                                 filament NW
             12:38:13-12:40:15    02:40:20       filament
30.09        06:03:39-06:06:38    02:41:22       whole Sun, filam.NW, promin.SE
             08:17:40-08:20:09    02:44:22       whole Sun, promin., filam.
             09:09:12-09:09:41    02:46:51       prominence W
03.10        06:26:11-06:29:35    02:47:21       whole Sun, promin. W, limb
04.10        06:21:03-06:23:31    02:50:45       whole Sun, promin. E,W
             09:13:59-09:15:05    02:53:14       prominence W
             11:03:17-11:04:21    02:54:21                 "
             14:04:01-14:04:11    02:55:25                 "
12.10        13:19:04-13:20:48    02:55:35       whole Sun
             13:20:48-15:14:56    02:57:19       eclipse of Sun
15.10        08:01:24-08:03:21    03:02:40       whole Sun

             Cassette number 23

16.10. - 04.12.1996               Data  under  processing