Ing. Jakub Vícha, Ph.D.

My research is focused on the most energetic cosmic particles. The primary cosmic rays of ultra-high energies (10^18-20 eV) initiate extensive air showers of secondary particles. I study these air showers using data of the world-leading experiment - the Pierre Auger Observatory. I am also participating in the Cherenkov Telescope Array experiment (under construction) and in the experiment SWGO (in preparation). These two experiments will observe gamma rays (photons) of energies 10^10-14 eV.
Cosmic-ray physics: mass composition, propagation, testing models of hadronic interactions,
energy calibration of detectors, detection of muons using Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC).
Gamma-ray physics: detection possibilities using imaging and non-imaging Cherenkov detectors.
ORCID 0000-0002-7945-3605
ResearcherID G-8440-2014