Combinatorial group
Here you can find the outputs of the project Embedding, Packing and Limits in Graphs, project number GA19-08740S, funded by the Czech Science foundation. For other outputs, please visit this page. In bold you find the authors that were supported by the grant.


On a Conjecture of Erdos on Size Ramsey Number of Star Forests, A. Davoodi, R. Javadi, A. Kamranian, G. Raeisi

The tree packing conjecture for trees of almost linear maximum degree, P. Allen, J. Böttcher, D. Clemens, J. Hladký, D. Piguet, A. Taraz

Dirac-type conditions for spanning bounded-degree hypertrees, M. Pavez-Signé, N. Sanhueza-Matamala, M. Stein


On sufficient conditions for Hamiltonicity in dense graphs, R. Lang, N. Sanhueza-Matamala, accepted to London Mathematical Society

Towards a hypergraph version of the Pósa-Seymour conjecture, M. Pavez-Signé, N. Sanhueza-Matamala, M. Stein, accepted to Advances in Combinatorics

On the total versions of 1-2-3-conjecture for graphs and hypergraphs, A. Davoodi, L. Maherani, accepted to Discrete Applied Mathematics


Cycle decompositions in 3-uniform hypergraphs, S. Piga, N. Sanhueza-Matamala, accepted to Combinatorica, early view

Minimum degree conditions for tight Hamilton cycles, R. Lang, N. Sanhueza-Matamala, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Volume 105, Issue 4, pp. 2249-2323 (2022)

Counting extensions revisited, M. Šileikis, L. Warnke, Random Structures & Algorithms, Volume 61, Issue 1, pp. 3-30 (2022)

Fractional Isomorphism of Graphons, J. Grebík, I. Rocha, Combinatorica, Volume 42, pp. 365-404 (2022)

Universal arrays, M. Pavez-Signé, D. A. Quiroz, N. Sanhueza-Matamala, Discrete Mathematics Volume 334, Issue 12 (2021), 112626

Longest paths in random hypergraphs, O. Cooley, F. Garbe, E. K. Hng, M. Kang, N. Sanhueza-Matamala, J. Zalla, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 35(4) (2021), 2430–2458

A limit theorem for small cliques in inhomogeneous random graphs, J. Hladký, C. Pelekis, M. Šileikis Journal of Graph Theory, online first: 28 March 2021, DOI:10.1002/jgt.22673

Brouwer's conjecture holds asymptotically almost surely, I. Rocha, Linear Algebra Appl. 597 (2020) 198–205

Conference Proceedings

Beyond the Erdős-Sós conjecture, A. Davoodi, D. Piguet, H. Řada and N. Sanhueza-Matamala, accepted to Proceedings of EUROCOMB 2023

On sufficient conditions for Hamiltonicity, R. Lang and N. Sanhueza-Matamala, accepted tp Research Perspectives CRM Barcelona, Proceedings of EUROCOMB 2021

Degree conditions for tight Hamilton cycles, R. Lang and N. Sanhueza-Matamala, accepted tp Research Perspectives CRM Barcelona, Proceedings of EUROCOMB 2021

Dirac-type conditions for spanning bounded-degree hypertrees, M. Pavez-Signé, N. Sanhueza-Matamala, and M. Stein, accepted tp Research Perspectives CRM Barcelona, Proceedings of EUROCOMB 2021.