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Volume 64, Issue 4, 2015



  • Physiol. Res. 64: 439-445, 2015; Full version (PDF file)

    Bone tissue as a systemic endocrine regulator.
    I. Zofkova (Inst. Endocrinol., Prague, Czech Republic)

    Original Articles


  • Physiol. Res. 64: 447-457, 2015; Full version (PDF file)

    Acute and chronic role of nitric oxide, renin-angiotensin system and sympathetic nervous system in the modulation of calcium sensitization in Wistar Rats.
    A. Brunová, M. Bencze, M. Behuliak, J. Zicha (Inst. Physiol., Czech Acad. Sci., Prague, Czech Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 64: 459-466, 2015; Full version (PDF file)

    Chemical sympathectomy restores baroreceptor-heart rate reflex and heart rate variability in rats with chronic nitric oxide deficiency.
    M. Chaswal, S. Das, J. Prasad, A. Katyal, M. Fahim (Dept. Physiol., Vardhaman Mahavir Med. Coll. & Safdarjung Hosp., New Delhi & Dept. Physiol., Hamdard Inst. Med. Sci. Res., Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi, India)

  • Physiol. Res. 64: 467-477, 2015; Full version (PDF file)

    Uridine – an indicator of post-exercise uric acid concentration and blood pressure.
    W. Dudzinska, A. Lubkowska, B. Dolegowska, M. Suska, M. Janiak (Dept. Physiol., Fac. Biol., Univ. Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland)

  • Physiol. Res. 64: 479-486, 2015; Full version (PDF file)

    Captopril partially decreases the effect of H2S on rat blood pressure and inhibits H2S-induced nitric oxide release from S-nitrosoglutathione.
    M. Drobná, A. Misak, T. Holland, F. Kristek, M. Grman, L. Tomasova, A. Berenyiova, S. Cacanyiova, K. Ondrias (Inst. Norm. Pathol. Physiol. & Inst. Mol. Physiol. Genet. & Ctr. Mol. Med., Slovak Acad. Sci., Bratislava, Slovak Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 64: 487-493, 2015; Full version (PDF file)

    Repolarisation descriptors and heart rate variability in hemodialysed patients.
    D. Poulikakos, D. Banerjee, M. Malik (Renal Transplant. Unit, St. George's Univ., London & Cardiovasc. Sci. Res. Ctr., St. George's Univ., London, United Kingdom)

  • Physiol. Res. 64: 495-503, 2015; Full version (PDF file)

    Effects of atrial natriuretic peptide on rat ventricular fibroblasts during differentiation into myofibroblasts.
    M. Moubarak, C. Magaud, Y. Saliba, A. Chatelier, P. Bois, J.-F. Faivre, N. Farès (Lab. Rech. Physiol. Physiopathol., Pôle Technologie Santé, Fac. Méd., Univ. Saint Joseph, Beyrouth, Liban & ERL CNRS 7368, Univ. Poitiers, Poitiers, France)

  • Physiol. Res. 64: 505-512, 2015; Full version (PDF file)

    Prophylactic inhalation of L-alanyl-L-glutamine enhances heat shock protein 72 and attenuates endotoxin-induced lung injury in rats.
    I.-C. Chuang, M.-S. Huang, L.-J. Huang, S.-H. Chou, T.-N. Tsai, Y.-C. Chen, R.-C. Yang (Dept. Respir. Ther., Kaohsiung Med. Univ., Kaohsiung & Grad. Inst. Med., Kaohsiung Med. Univ., Kaohsiung & Div. Respir. Crit. Care Med., Dept. Int. Med., Kaohsiung Med. Univ. Hosp., Kaohsiung & Dept. Pediatr., Changhua Christ. Hosp., Changhua, Taiwan)

  • Physiol. Res. 64: 513-522, 2015; Full version (PDF file)

    MCT1 and MCT4 kinetic of mRNA expression in different tissues after aerobic exercise at maximal lactate steady state workload.
    G. G. de Araujo, C. A. Gobatto, F. de Barros Manchado-Gobatto, L. F. M. Teixeira, I. G. M. dos Reis, L. C. Caperuto, M. Papoti, S. Bordin, C. R. Cavaglieri, R. Verlengia (Lab. Sport Appl. Physiol., School Appl. Sci., Campinas State Univ. (UNICAMP), Limeira, Sao Paulo & Sports Sci. Res. Group, Phys. Educ. (CEDU), Post Graduation Nutr., Fed. Univ. Alagoas (UFAL), Maceio, Alagoas, Brazil)

  • Physiol. Res. 64: 523-530, 2015; Full version (PDF file)

    Heat-shock-induced glucose transporter 4 in the slow-twitch muscle of rats.
    P.-F. Wu, S.-C. Luo, L.-C. Chang (Dept. Kinesiol., Health, Leisure Stud., Nat. Univ. Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

  • Physiol. Res. 64: 531-536, 2015; Full version (PDF file)

    Prediction of adrenocortical insufficiency after pituitary adenoma surgery using postoperative basal cortisol levels.
    V. Hána Jr., J. Ježková, M. Kosák, M. Kršek, J. Marek, D. Netuka, M. Hill, V. Hána (Third Dept. Int. Med., Gen. Univ. Hosp. & First Fac. Med., Charles Univ., Prague, Czech Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 64: 537-546, 2015; Full version (PDF file)

    Serological markers of enterocyte damage and apoptosis in patients with celiac disease, autoimmune diabetes mellitus and diabetes mellitus type 2.
    I. Hoffmanová, D. Sánchez, V. Hábová, M. Anděl, L. Tučková, H. Tlaskalová-Hogenová (Second Dept. Int. Med., Third Fac. Med., Charles Univ., Prague & Lab. Cell. Mol. Immunol., Inst. Microbiol., Czech Acad. Sci., Prague, Czech Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 64: 547-559, 2015; Full version (PDF file)

    Effect of fetal undernutrition and postnatal overfeeding on rat adipose tissue and organ growth at early stages of postnatal development.
    D. Muñoz-Valverde, P. Rodríguez-Rodríguez, P. Y. Gutierrez-Arzapalo, A. L. López de Pablo, M. Carmen González, R. López-Giménez, B. Somoza, S. M. Arribas (Dept. Physiol. & Lab. Animal Facility, School Med., Universidad Autónoma, Madrid, Spain)

  • Physiol. Res. 64: 561-569, 2015; Full version (PDF file)

    In vitro differences of neonatal and later postnatal keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts.
    E. Krejčí, O. Kodet, P. Szabo, J. Borský, K. Smetana Jr., M. Grim, B. Dvořánková (Inst. Anat., First Fac. Med., Charles Univ., Prague, Czech Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 64: 571-581, 2015; Full version (PDF file)

    Nerve stretch injury induced pain pattern and changes in sensory ganglia in a clinically relevant model of limb-lengthening in rabbits.
    K. Pap, Á. Berta, G. Szőke, M. Dunay, T. Németh, K. Hornok, L. Marosfői, M. Réthelyi, M. Kozsurek, Z. Puskár (Dept. Traumatol., Semmelweis Univ. & Dept. Orthoped. Traumatol., Uzsoki Hosp., Budapest & Szentágothai János Lab., Dept. Anat., Histol., Embryol., Semmelweis Univ., Budapest, Hungary)

    Rapid Communication

    Physiol. Res. 64: 583-585, 2015; Full version (PDF file)

    Ellagitannins – compounds from pomegranate as possible effector in steroidogenesis of rabbit ovaries.
    D. Packova, A. A. Carbonell-Barrachina, A. Kolesarova (Dept. Animal Physiol., Fac. Biotechnol. Food Sci., Slovak Univ. Agricult., Nitra, Slovak Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 64: 587-591, 2015; Full version (PDF file)

    A novel carboxymethylated mercaptotriazinoindole inhibitor of aldose reductase interferes with the polyol pathway in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.
    M. Soltesova Prnova, J. Ballekova, A. Gajdosikova, A. Gajdosik, M. Stefek (Inst. Exp.Pharmacol. Toxicol., Slovak Acad. Sci., Bratislava, Slovak Republic)



  • Physiol. Res. 64: 593, 2015; Full version (PDF file)

    Asymmetric dimethylarginine and endothelial progenitor cells after renal transplantation: the effect of exercise training.
    V. Teplan, I. Králová Lesná, J. Piťha, A. Mahrová, J. Racek, I. Valkovský, A. Sekerková, M. Štollová (Dept. Nephrol., Transplant Ctr., Inst. Clin. Exp. Med., Prague, Czech Republic) Physiol. Res. 63 (Suppl. 3): S411-S417, 2014

    This number was issued in August 2015

  • © 2015 by the Institute of Physiology, Czech Academy of Sciences