Dr. Dmitry Momotenko: Manipulating matter at the nanoscale - from trapped particles to complex 3D nanostructures 5. 12. 2023 Dr. Dmitry Momotenko
Ing. Velický Matěj Ph.D.
Conductivity and reactivity of liquid metals, alloys and liquid metal solutions 23. 2. 2023, 11 AM Christian H. Schewe, Ph.D.
Mgr. Fedor Juraj Ph.D.
Radek Šachl: Unraveling Nanoscale Membrane Organization 25th October, 2023; 2 PM doc. RNDr. Radek Šachl, Ph.D.
RNDr. Srnec Martin Ph.D.
Prof. Vitaly Kresin: Beam deflection studies of polar and magnetic molecules and clusters entrapped in helium nanodroplets 18th October 2023, 10 AM Prof. Vitaly Kresin
doc. Mgr. Fárník Michal Ph.D., DSc.
Prof. Dr. Rolf Schäfer: Structure and Dynamics of Clusters 13th October 2023; 1 PM Prof. Dr. Rolf Schäfer
RNDr. Vajda Štefan CSc., Dr. habil.
Prof. Aleksandra Radenovic: Scanning Ion Conductance Spectroscopy 12th October, 2023, 10:00 AM Prof. Aleksandra Radenovic
doc. RNDr. Šachl Radek Ph.D.
Prof. Ryan G. Hadt: Connecting Molecular Electronic Structure and Electron Spin Relaxation for Quantum Information Science 3. října 2023, 14:00 hodin Prof. Ryan G. Hadt
RNDr. Srnec Martin Ph.D.
Introduction to the researches at Photon Factory, a synchrotron light source in Japan 11th September, 2023 Prof. Kenta Amemiya
prof. Ing. Krtil Petr CSc.
Real-time observation of chemical reactions at surface and solid-liquid interface by wavelength-dispersive soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy 11th September, 2023 Kaoruho Sakata
prof. Ing. Krtil Petr CSc.
Secondary Electrons in Radiation Chemistry of DNA 6th September, 2023, 2 PM Mgr. Jaroslav Kočišek, Ph.D.
doc. Mgr. Fárník Michal Ph.D., DSc.
Nanobiomaterials: From nanopatterned biointerfaces to DNA-based nanoantibiotics 21. 6. 2023, 1 PM PD Adrian Keller, Dr. rer. nat
Mgr. Kočišek Jaroslav Ph.D.
Computational studies of FR0-SB, a novel organic compound that deprotonates alcohols upon photoexcitation 19. 6. 2023, 2 PM Prof. Piotr Piecuch
doc. Mgr. Pittner Jiří Dr. rer. nat., DSc.
3D printing in the electrochemical research: From fundamental studies to practical devices 14. 6. 2023 RNDr. Viliam Kolivoška, Ph.D., MBA
RNDr. Srnec Martin Ph.D.
Prof. Renske: Electrons and X-rays for Unraveling Atomic-Scale Dynamics in Light Energy Conversion 22. 5. 2023 Prof. Dr. Renske M. van der Veen
prof. RNDr. Vlček Antonín CSc.
Dr. Libor Veis: Pushing the limits of computations of strongly correlated molecules 16. 5. 2023 RNDr. Libor Veis, Ph.D
doc. Mgr. Pittner Jiří Dr. rer. nat., DSc.
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang E. Ernst: Mixed Metal Nanoparticles Created in Superfluid Helium Droplets 27. 4. 2023 Prof. Dr. Wolfgang E. Ernst
RNDr. Vajda Štefan CSc., Dr. habil.
Shedding light on epitaxial graphene by using high-resolution x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
Alessandro Baraldi
RNDr. Vajda Štefan CSc., Dr. habil.
Oxidation of size-selected clusters on graphene
Federico Loi
RNDr. Vajda Štefan CSc., Dr. habil.
Size - and Composition - Selected Sub-Nano Cluster Catalysts and Electrocatalysts 16.6.2022
RNDr. Vajda Štefan CSc., Dr. habil.
Food flavour analysis using SIFT-MS 10:30 am, Thursday, June 2nd 2022, J. Heyrovský Institute Gülşah Özcan Sinir
Přeshraniční seminář s Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf 30. 5. 2022
prof. Hof Martin Dr. rer. nat., DSc.
R. Brdicka Memorial Lectures - Prof. Dr. Robert Schlögl 2 pm, Thursday, May 12th 2021, J. Heyrovský Institute Prof. Dr. Robert Schlögl
Politika Akademie věd a Heyrovského ústavu ve vztahu k aplikační sféře 8. 12. 2021, 9:30 h., Zoom
Ing. Trnka Jiří
Understanding Solvent Effects in Catalysis October 12th, 2021, 2:00 pm, room 108 Evert Jan Meijer
RNDr. Srnec Martin Ph.D. Mgr. Ing. Krupičková Pluhařová Eva Ph.D.
Nové elektrodové materály pro voltametrickou analýzu po mikroextrakci dutým vláknem pátek 25. června 2021 v 10:30 hod. Brdičkova posluchárna Mgr. Vojtěch Hrdlička, Ph.D.