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Lidia Zessin-Jurek, Ph.D.


  • T. G. Masaryk
  • History of Scientific Institutions in Czechoslovakia after 1952


  • 2006–2010: PhD, Department of History and Civilisation, European University Institute, Florence, Italy
  • 2006–2007: Master of Research, Department of History and Civilisation,  European University Institute, Florence, Italy
  • 2001–2006: MA, Faculty of Philosophy and History University of Łódź

Research Interest

Polish Jewish refugees, memory of the Holocaust and the Gulag, Polish and East Central European nationalism

Research projects since 2010

  • Unlikely refuge? Refugees and citizens in East-Central Europe in the 20th century, ERC Consolidator grant, Research fellow, 09/2019–2024
  • The Siberian Odyssey of the Polish Jews, Die Zeit Stiftung and Szloma-Albam-Stiftung, 2015–2019
  • The Gulag memory in East Central Europe, Imre Kertesz Kolleg, 2012–2013

Teaching Practice

  • Since 2017: European University Viadrina (Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Polenstudien), Teaching Assistant: MA and BA Courses, awards: DAAD Teaching Grant (2019) and Holocaust Educational Foundation of Northwestern University Teaching Grant (2018)
  • Since 2018: Krzyżowa/Kreisau Stiftung – project coordinator “Entangled History as a perspective for non-formal education” (Holocaust education)

Fellowships abroad since 2010

  • 02/2018: Shvidler Visiting Research Fellow of Fordham University, New York               
  • 09/2017: Deutsches Historisches Institut Research Fellow, Warsaw
  • 09–10/2016: European Holocaust Research Infrastructure, European Council’s  Research Fellow, the International Tracing Service, Bad Arolsen
  • 2015: Polish-German Research Institute, Collegium Polonicum, Research Associate
  • 2012–2013: Imre Kertész Kolleg, Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena, Junior Research Fellow
  • 2015, 2010: Polish Studies Association in the United States (Columbia University, New York) and The Copernicus Endowment for Polish Studies (Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor) travel grants


Publication List at MIA CAS

ASEP Database (Records of the Publication Activity at the MIA CAS)


Publications since 2010


  • Zessin-Jurek, Lidia, and Katharina Friedla. Syberiada Żydów polskich. Warsaw: Jewish Historical Institute 2020.
  • Zessin-Jurek, Lidia. Polish Risorgimento. Visions of the Modern Polish Nation and their Italian Foundations. Frankfurt, Oxford, New York, 2012, 417 pp.

Book chapters

  • Zessin-Jurek, Lidia. Uchodźstwo jako manifestacja wolności i oporu na przykładzie relacji polskich Żydów o jesieni 1939 roku, in: Pola Wolności, ed. by Alicja Bartuś, Oświęcim-Poznań: Wydawnictwo WSB 2020, pp. 39–58,
  • Zessin-Jurek, Lidia. Macewa pośród krzyży. Żydzi w polskiej pamięci Sybiru, in: Syberiada Żydów polskich, edited by Lidia Zessin-Jurek, Katharina Friedla, Warsaw: Jewish Historical Institute 2020, pp. 61–130.
  • Zessin-Jurek, Lidia. The rise of an Eastern European community of memory? – On Lobbying for Gulag Memory via Brussels. In European Memory: Eastern Perspectives, edited by Małgorzata Pakier and Joanna Wawrzyniak, Berghahn Books, 2015, pp. 131–149.
  • Zessin-Jurek, Lidia. Forgotten Memory? The Vicissitudes of the Gulag Memory in Poland. In Life Writing and Politics of Memory in Eastern Europe, edited by Simona Mitroiu, Palgrave Macmillan 2015, pp. 45–65.


  • Zessin-Jurek, Lidia, Hide and Seek with History – Holocaust Teaching at Polish Schools. In Cultures of History Forum. Section: Remembering the Shoah (03.09.2019), DOI: 10.25626/0103.
  • Zessin-Jurek, Lidia.The Ebbs and Flows of the Holocaust and Gulag memory in Europe. Memory Dynamics in the National and Transnational Contexts. In Zbudować wspólną przyszłość, edited by Joanna Sondel-Cedarmas, Serie Studia nad Autorytaryzmem i Totalitaryzmem. Wrocław 2018, vol. 40, pp. 87–103.
  • Zessin-Jurek, Lidia. Different Events – Same Story. ‘Multidirectional Memory’ of the Holocaust as a method of non-formal education. In Entangled History as a perspective for non-formal education, edited by Merle Schmidt and Carolin Wenzel, Berlin 2017, p. 99–105.
  • Zessin-Jurek, Lidia. Zwangsdeportationen nach Sibirien und gespaltene Erinnerung in der EU. In: Forced migrations under communist rule – differences and similarities, Thuringian Commissioner for the Rehabilitation of Injustice Perpetrated by the Socialist Unity Party in the GDR website ( ), pp. 1–10.
  • Zessin-Jurek, Lidia. Un entusiasmo in declino: un nuovo sguardo sulla percezione del Risorgimento in Polonia (1848–1871) “Diacronie. Studi di Storia Contemporanea” 2011, no. 5 Italie ‘altre’. Immagini e comunità italiane all’estero, pp. 1–20.
  • Zessin-Jurek, Lidia. The Italian Role in the Construction of the Concept "Pole-Catholic". East European Politics and Societies 2010 vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 254–268.
  • Zessin-Jurek, Lidia. A Completely Different 1968. Dekadentzya. A Literary Journal from Poland 2010, vol. 2, pp. 117–124.
