Development of new and modified types of film electrodes/detectors for electrochemical measurements
As an alternative to mercury electrodes, new non-toxic film alloy electrodes (FAE) will be designed and constructed for measurements in both batch and flow systems. Like mercury, these electrodes will able to work at such high negative potentials that are inaccessible to other electrode materials. Systematic study will be performed and will be developed an electrochemical methodology of forming alloy layers with selected compositions (Pt, Pd, Au, Ag, Hg, Cu) and properties at a conductive surface from an optimal electrolyte. Easy (electro)chemical modification of alloys by suitable substances will allow to connect required bioreceptor (enzyme, antibody) at the electrode surface, and thereby prepare (bio)sensor of a necessary type. Developed thin-layered alloy working electrodes/detectors and biosensors on their basis will be used for physico-chemical measurements and for selective determination of analytes important for the protection of human health and the environment.
Josypčuk Bohdan Ph.D.