Department of geomaterials
Technical equipment
- NICOLET 6700 FT-IR spectrometer with NICOLET NXR FT-Raman module (Thermo Fisher Scientific)
- NICOLET iN10 FT-IR microscope (Thermo Fisher Scientific)
- NIKON Eclipse 80i optical polarization and fluorescence microscope with MÄRZHÄUSER Scan-24-410 motorized scanning stage
- NIKON Eclipse LVDIA-N optical polarization microscope
- OLYMPUS BX 50 optical polarization and fluorescence microscope
- OLYMPUS LEXT OLS 3100 laser confocal microscope
- NIKON SMZ25 and NIKON SMZ2T stereomicroscopes
- Image processing and analysis systems: NIS Elements (Nikon), LUCIA Vitrinite, LUCIA Concrete (Laboratory Imaging, Ltd.) and Matlab Image Processing Toolbox
- SETSYS TG-DTA/DSC 24 thermal analyser with mass spectrometer (Setaram Instrumentation)
- SETSYS 12 thermal analyser (Setaram Instrumentation)
- Izomet 2104 – device for measuring thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity of geomaterials
- PYCNOMATIC ATC EVO gas pycnometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific)
- ASAP 2026 surface area and porosity analyser (Micromeritics)
- FRITCH Pulverisette 5 laboratory planet mill - agate, ZrO2
- FRITCH Pulverisette 1 jaw crusher + Pulverisette 13 disc mill
- DISCOPLAN-TS device for automatic cutting and grinding of mineralogical samples (Struers)
- BUEHLER SimpliMet XPS1 mounting press for preparation of microscopic polished sections
- Servo-hydraulic loading system (MTS Systems Corp.) for testing strength and deformational properties of rocks, equipped with a hydraulic actuator of axial loading (max force 2,6 MN, frame stiffness 10,5 GN/m)
- High-pressure triaxial cell furnished with intensifiers of in-chamber and pore pressures (max pressures 140 MPa), with cascade control of temperature during the loading (up to 200 °C) and with accessories for measuring permeability of rocks to water and other inert liquids
- ZWICK 1494 mechanical press (max force 600 kN)
- KTK 100 Karman’s triaxial cell with possibility of permeability measurements in deformation process (confining pressure up to 50 MPa)
- FP 10 mechanical press for testing tensile strength of rocks
- FPZ 100 mechanical press for testing uniaxial compression strength, splitting tensile strength, flexural and shear strength, and fracture toughness (CB test) of rocks
- Micro Hardness Tester (CSM Instruments) with measurements of micro-indentation Young modulus