Workshop: Holocaust of the Roma: Contemporary Research in Czechoslovak Context
21 May, 2018, 6:00 PM
This public discussion about future research into the Holocaust of Roma and the Lety site will feature Czech and Slovak speakers, Romani as well as non-Romani. The reflection of the topics central to this research and the...

Exhibition by Zdeněk Daniel: My Black-and-White Shadows – Memento Mori
May 9-29 2018
“My Black-and-White Shadows: Memento Mori” is an exhibition of paintings by Zdeněk Daniel (born 1970), an architect and artist from Jablonec nad Nisou. His father, Zdeněk Daniel, Senior (born 1929), was saved from the...

Public discussion: Forced Sterilization of Romani Women in the Czech(oslovak) Contexts: Past and Present
12 June 2018, 6 PM
A public discussion with participants in the academic workshop focused on analysing the reasoning behind the forced sterilization of Roma in the Czech(oslovak) Republic in the context of eugenics and the welfare state. Invited...

Lecture: Jan Grill – Normalizing Uncertainty. Tracing Brexit-Effects in the Lives Slovak and Czech Roma Migrants in Britain (and Beyond)
13 June 2018, 5 PM
This is a joint event with CEFRES in Prague. Jan Grill is Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Valle, Colombia. He is also Research Associate at the Department of Social Anthropology at the University...

Forced Sterilization of Romani Women in the Czech(oslovak) and European Contexts: Past and Present
12 June 2018, New York University in Prague
An international workshop for registered participants organized at NYU in Prague. The workshop will focus on analysing the reasoning behind the forced sterilization of Roma in the Czech(oslovak) Republic in the context of...

Workshop: Stereotypical Representations of Roma and Jews in Photographs
15th October 2018
For an invitation in pdf, please download here. For a poster in pdf, please download here. The workshop will take place at the French Institute, Štěpánská 35, Prague 1 Program of the workshop 16:30-18:00 HISTORICAL...