News and events

Publication in the edition Science around us.
International conference of geomorphologists, Chateau Krtiny, Czech Republic.
24.04.2024  –  26.04.2024
Current topics in the series of expert lectures.
18.04.2024  10:00
Dr. Libor Sitek talks for A/Z Akademie (in Czech).
New knowledge and measurements in seismology, engineering geophysics and geotechnical engineering, Ostrava, Czech Republic.
09.04.2024  –  10.04.2024
Journal Moravian Geographical Reports.
Workshop, Ostrava, Czech Republic (in Czech).
05.03.2024  09:00
The third place for Dr. Kristyna Schuchova.
Centrum Pant, Ostrava, Czech Republic (in Czech).
08.11.2023  18:00
Conversation, Ostrava, Czech Republic (in Czech).
07.11.2023  14:00
The most extensive science festival in the Czech Republic.
06.11.2023  –  12.11.2023
International meeting related to the technology of high speed water jet, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic.
17.10.2023  –  19.10.2023
Seminar, Brno, Czech Republic (in Czech).
05.10.2023  10:00
Lecture, Ostrava, Czech Republic (in Czech).
03.10.2023  16:30
Visit the mine CSM, Stonava, Czech Republic (in Czech).
New cooperation with the University of Ostrava (in Czech).