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Using the Library

General Information
Library Facilities
Internal Webpages


How do I become a library user?
Library services are available for academics, researchers, and students of CERGE-EI, members from other units of Charles University and the Czech Academy of Sciences, as well as external users. To be allowed to use the Library services (and services of other Charles University Libraries), the user must meet the following conditions:

1. The user has a valid Charles University ID card (comes with CAS authentication), which can be obtained from Card Service Center. Please state your permanent address when applying for an external user or alumni user card.
2. The user confirms the E-application using CAS authentication.

How do I renew my registration?
Your registration in the library system is valid for a period specified in CU Library and Circulation Rules. If you wish to renew your registration, follow this link.

How do I find out which books (journals, articles, other documents) are available in the library?
Use Charles University’s discovery service/library catalog UKAŽ, which allows simultaneous searching of printed, digitized and electronic resources available at CU. You may limit your search only to items accessible from the Jan Kmenta CERGE-EI Library.


How many items can I borrow and for how long?
Borrowing policies for different user categories are defined in the CU Uniform borrowing matrix.

How do I renew my loans?
Sign into your library account in UKAŽ and renew items from all CU libraries online. Alternatively, for items loaned from the Jan Kmenta CERGE-EI Library, ask for renewal at library@cerge-ei.cz, call the circulation desk at +420 224 005 145, or come by in person.

How do I submit a loan request, i.e. make a reservation?
Loan requests are submitted via UKAŽ. Find out more.

How can I return books (other documents)?
You can return books in person in the opening hours. Outside of the opening hours, loans can be returned to the drop box in front of the library entrance (accessible 24/7 for CERGE-EI members, for others daily between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m.) - returned items will be written off your account the next opening day. It is also possible to return books by registered post.

What happens if I lose or damage an item?
You must compensate the library for the lost or damaged item – by replacing the same title or a similar title, or by paying the price of the item. Please always consult a librarian first regarding acceptable compensation.

How do I pay a fine?
Currently, fines can be only paid in cash at the circulation desk.


How do I search for e-resources?
For articles, e-books, and other electronic documents available, use Charles University’s discovery service/library catalog UKAŽ. Furthermore, the Library edits a tailor-made list of databases useful for economists. All electronic resources available at Charles University, with possible filtering by faculties or topics, are listed at CU eResources Portal.

How do I get a remote access to e-resources?
For remote access, the user must own a valid Charles University ID card, which can be obtained from Card Service Center. Together with the card, you will obtain login details for CAS authentication, which is used to access resources remotely. Please note that external users, including alumni, have access only to limited number of e-resources.


What are the opening hours?
For current opening hours, please consult the Library homepage.

Is there a wi-fi available?
You can connect to Library wi-fi or use the eduroam service.

Internal information about research evaluation, acquisition, access information for selected data sources/newspapers/journals, etc. can be found at the Library internal webpages.

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