Nanostructured catalysts for sustainable processes: Hydrotreatment of hydrocarbons will be discussed by the scientists of Dr. Sazama´s team (HIPC) and P. Kukula (Ranido, Ltd) and Oleg Bortnovskiy (Euro Support Manufacturing Czechia, Ltd) on Wednesday 31st March at 2:30 p.m.
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Nanostructured catalysts for sustainable processes: Hydrotreatment of hydrocarbons
The development of catalytic processes for the transformation of hydrocarbons without negative impacts on the environment and the production of hydrocarbons by carbon-neutral processes raises the need to develop new nanostructured catalytic materials. The workshop presents the ongoing and recent successful cooperation in the research for the development of nanostructured catalysts for environmentally friendly and sustainable hydrocarbon hydrotreating processes.
The research on the hydrotreating processes carried out in the frame of LRI NanoEviCz is focused on elucidating the relationship between the structural and catalytic properties of nanostructured hydrotreating catalysts. To develop a basic understanding of the relationships, we analyze the structure, properties, and behaviour using controlled synthesis, spectroscopic, diffraction, and microscopic methods and kinetic analysis of complex hydrotreating processes.
P. Sazama, HIPC: Brief introduction of research in the field of development of nanostructured catalysts for environmentally friendly and sustainable hydrocarbon hydrotreating processes.
P. Kukula, Ranido, Ltd.: Brief introduction of the company research and development of hydrotreatment processes.
Oleg Bortnovskiy, Euro Support Manufacturing Czechia, Ltd.: Brief introduction of research on the production process of hydoisomerization catalysts.
J. Morávková, HIPC: Understanding the hydrothermal synthesis of BEA zeolite for hydroisomerization catalysts.
D. Kaucký, HIPC: Interplay of Pt and acid centers in hydrocracking of the aromatic fraction.
J. Morávková, HIPC: Control of mutual intimacy of acidic and Pt centers in catalysts for hydroisomerization.
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Topic: Narecom-2
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