Contact |
prof. Hof Martin Dr. rer. nat., DSc.
+420 26605 3264, 2011
Vice-director for Economy
doc. RNDr. Ing. Kalbáč Martin Ph.D., DSc.
+420 26605 3804, 3445, 2101
Vice-director for Science
prof. RNDr. Španěl Patrik Dr. rer. nat.
+420 26605 3084, 3239
Vice-director for Infrastructure
prof. Ing. Mareček Vladimír DrSc.
+420 26605 2073
Vice-director for Education
doc. Mgr. Fárník Michal Ph.D., DSc.
+420 26605 3206
Head of Director’s Office
Ing. Musilová Zuzana Ph.D.
+420 26605 3436
Assistant of Director
Mgr. Nožárová Kateřina
+420 26605 2011, 2008
Secretary of Director
Mgr. Tomanová Martina
+420 26605 2008
Coordinator for the participation of the Institute in EU framework programmes and EU structural programmes
Mgr. Cebecauer Marek Ph.D.
+420 26605 3733
Coordinator for the agenda of patents and inventions
Ing. Rathouský Jiří CSc.
+420 26605 3945, 3865, 3080