Plasmonic biosensors for medical diagnostics. Investigation of biomolecular interactions in complex media. Nonspecific adsorption of blood plasma proteins on sensing surfaces. Nanotechnologies for biomedical applications.
2022 – present: internship at the Laboratory of Matter and Complex System, Université Paris Cité
Topic: Investigation of the antioxidant activity of cerium oxide nanoparticles (CNP), investigation of the protein corona surrounding CNP upon contact with blood plasma.
Supervisor: prof. Jean-François Berret.
2020 – present: doctoral studies at the University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Faculty of Chemical Engineering.
Study program: Physical chemistry.
Thesis title: Plasmonic biosensors for the investigation of biomolecules and their interactions.
Supervisor: prof. Ing. Jiří Homola, CSc., DSc.
2019: internship at the Institute of Photonics and Electronics, Czech Academy of Science.
Topic: Development of a plasmonic sensor for the detection of a novel biomarker for the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease.
Supervisor: prof. Ing. Jiří Homola, CSc., DSc.
2017 – 2019: Master degree in Biomolecular Chemistry at the University of Catania, Italy.
Thesis: Plasmonic methods for medical diagnostics.
Supervisor: prof. Giuseppe Spoto.
2014 – 2017: Bachelor degree in Chemistry at the University of Catania, Italy.
Thesis: Selective anchoring of proteins to bioactive surfaces.
Supervisor: prof. Giovanni Marletta.
Journal papers:
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