Contact information

Institute of GeonicsCzech Academy of Sciences
Studentska 1768/9
708 00 Ostrava-Poruba
Czech Republic

GPS: 49.8322569ºN, 18.1588247ºE
Identification numbers
ID: 68145535VAT ID: CZ68145535

Bank connection
Czech National Bank, OstravaNadrazni 4
702 00 Ostrava
Czech Republic
Account No (only CZK): 10427761 / 0710
IBAN: CZ17 0710 0000 0000 1042 7761
The institute is located in close proximity to the campus of VSB - Technical University of Ostrava. Guests and visitors usually arrive to the railway station Ostrava-Svinov and then travel by public transport. They use the bus 37 in direction to Poruba and get out at the stop Studentska. Or they travel by one of the trams 7, 8, 17 in direction to Poruba and get out at the stop Hlavni trida.