New knowledge and measurements in seismology, engineering geophysics and geotechnical engineering, Ostrava, Czech Republic.
08.04.2025  –  09.04.2025
Selection procedure for a research worker (full/part time job) in geosciences (in Czech).
Current topics in the series of expert lectures.
07.03.2025  09:30
Lecture, Tomáš Baťa University, Zlín, Czech Republic (in Czech).
06.02.2025  18:00
Conference Seminar on numerical analysis and winter school, Ostrava, Czech Republic.
27.01.2025  –  31.01.2025
Journal Moravian Geographical Reports.
Dr. Libor Sitek talks for A/Z Akademie (in Czech).
Lecture, Ostrava, Czech Republic (in Czech).
05.12.2024  16:30
Lecture, Ostrava, Czech Republic (in Czech).
21.11.2024  16:30
Lecture, Arnold's Villa, Brno, Czech Republic (in Czech).
06.11.2024  17:00