Full time postdoctoral position in foundations of mathematics - Ref. No. 2025/16
Full time postdoctoral position is available at the Institute of Computer Science,
Czech Academy of Sciences (ICS CAS) in the project "Modern Czech Logic within the Philosophy
of Mathematics", funded by the Czech Science Foundation. The principal investigator at the
ICS is Zuzana Haniková and the ICS project team is a
part of the LogICS group. The main
subject area of the project is philosophy of mathematics with the specific aim to investigate
the foundational facets of the works and themes of L.S. Rieger, P. Vopěnka, and P. Hájek. The
successful candidate will have a strong background in logic and/or foundations of mathematics
and will be expected to carry out independent research related to the focal themes of the project, which include:
- set theory and its philosophy,
- alternative foundations and pluralism,
- the notion of infinity and finitism,
- phenomenological approaches to mathematics.
Informal enquiries are welcome and should be addressed to Zuzana Haniková.
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Quick Info
- Position: full time postdoctoral researcher
- Contact Person: RNDr. Zuzana Haniková, Ph.D.
- Deadline for application: April 30, 2025, or until position filled.
- Full-time contract for 18 months.
- Default start: October 2025.
- Monthly gross salary approx 50000 CZK plus employee benefits.
- Travel package available.
- No teaching duties.
- First cut-off point for applications April 30, 2025. Applications arriving after that date may be considered
until the position is filled.
Applicants should:
- Expect or hold a PhD, awarded no earlier than 2018.
- Have a strong background in logic and/or foundations of mathematics.
- Be fluent in English.
How to apply:
Applications ought to be sent to jobs@cs.cas.cz and contain:
- The Ref. No. 2025/16.
- A full professional CV including a complete list of publications/preprints.
- A cover letter explaining the strengths of the candidate for the position (up to 2 pages).
- Two contacts for researchers who can be asked to recommend the candidate.
- A proof of the obtained or expected degree.