Charge transport studies in single molecule redox switches and memristive elements.
Charge transport studies at the single molecule level are a prerequisite for design of functional molecule-based electronics. Two experimental techniques (scanning tunnelling microscopy break junction STM-BJ and mechanically-controllable break junction MC-BJ) have been implemented successfully in our laboratory enabling us to probe different conductance mechanisms of selected molecules. A recent addition to this instrumentation is the development of single molecule thermopower measurements in collaboration with Hungarian partners. Aim of this project is to further this cooperation by designing the instrumentation that would allow to measure currentvoltage characteristics of a single molecule entity. This methodology would allow not only to distinguish between different transport mechanisms but also to probe different redox states of electrochemically active molecule at the timescale of the existence of such molecular junction. Implementation of this new method will allow testing of memristor properties of selected molecules.
doc. Mgr. Hromadová Magdaléna Ph.D.