Academy of Sciences Library

Computer Study Room

The Computer Study Room is open from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 19.00. 

There are a total of 17 computer stations available that have internet access. Access to the study room is based on the possession of a valid library card for users with internet library services. The client may use the computer for up to 90 minutes per day.

A personal notebook computer can be connected through a network connector or via wireless Wi-Fi. A cable for network connecting can be borrowed at the service desk of the computer study room.

Users have the following at their disposition:

  • access to on-line electronic sources via the main page of  ASL
  • printing and copying for a fee
  • use of a mechanical CD-ROM, flash disk, 3.5" diskettes (diskettes can be purchased at the service desk of the computer study room
  • the possibility to save work into a working address of the network disk for the duration of the client’s working time in the study room.

Work stations

  • Windows XP
  • OpenOffice (an alternative to MS Office - Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
  • Mozilla, FireFox and Internet Explorer search engines
  • CD-ROMs
  • USB port

The client must respect the Regulations for Using the Computer Equipment as per ASL Library Regulations.