
Address to the Institute of Botany:
Botanický ústav AV ČR
Zámek 1
252 43 Průhonice, Czech Republic
Address to our Department:
Botanický ústav AV ČR
Oddělení mykorhizních symbióz
Lesní 322
252 43 Průhonice, Czech Republic
While the headquartrers and the main part of the Institute of Botany resides at Průhonice Castle not far from the town square, the Department of mycorrhizal symbioses is situated in a building "Chotobuz" at the periphery of Průhonice.
If you come by car,

the easiest way to get to Průhonice is along highway D1. Leave the highway at EXIT 6 - Průhonice. If you approach in direction from Prague, the right hand turn brings you to a roundabout. Turn left to Průhonice. If you are come in direction from Brno, the highway exit leads you to a large roundabout. Turn at the first exit, go through the highway underpass and go on straight to Průhonice.
In Průhonice, stay on the main street, which leads you to a small roundabout near the square. Turn left (the second exit to Říčanská ulice = Říčanská street). This main street turns left after 120 meters, but you go straight to Dobřejovická ulice (= Dobřejovická street). Go on pass the football field and Husqvarna shop (on your right hand). At a tall hedge turn right to Lesní ulice (= Lesní street) and you will arrive at the gate of Chotobuz.
Use the keyboard at the gate to dial the last three numbers of the phone number of the person you are going to visit (see the page People) and ask for opening the gate.
BUSes to Průhonice...

...depart from Opatov station (station of Metro C). They usually depart in intervals of 15 or 20 minutes and their way to Průhonice takes approximately 15 minutes. You can use lines number 324, 325, 363 and 385. Průhonice lies in the first tariff zone (not in the basic "P+0" zone). It is possible to buy the ticket from the bus driver.

Get off the bus at Průhonice square - the name of the station is "Průhonice". Turn left, go pass the roundabout and then walk along Říčanská ulice (= Říčanská street). You pass the shop Azalka and then you come to crossroad, where the main street turns left. But you go straight to Dobřejovická ulice (= Dobřejovická street) and continue along the football field and Husqvarna shop. At a tall hedge turn right to Lesní ulice (= Lesní street) and you will come to the gate of Chotobuz. The walk from the bus stop will take approximately 10 minutes.
Use the keyboard at the gate to dial the last three numbers of the phone number of the person you are going to visit (see the page People) and ask for opening the gate.

The map of Průhonice with workplace Chotobuz indicated.