I'm a researcher at Institute of Geology, Academy of the Czech Republic, v.v.i., Prague, Czech Republic. I started to work here in Sept 2003. The main aim of my work is the Quaternary sedimentology with environmental and geoarchaeological aspects. I was born on 17 of December, 1975 at Brandýs nad Labem. I am married to Pavel. We have no children.
1994-1999- graduate study of geology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno,
MSc. degree received
1999-2004- postgraduate study, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno
PhD. Thesis: Research of loess and loess-like sediments of the Last Glacial, Moravia,
Ph.D. title received
2003-2007- Institute of Geology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Dept. of geological processes
2005 - 3 months long research fellowship at Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge
2006-2008 - Marie-Curie Fellow at Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge
Recently, my the most important research is Marie-Curie project with the title "The geoarcheology of European loess" is sponsored by European Union and is focused on environmental conditions of Gravettian sites in Central Europe and climatic records of the last 30 000 years. My own work on this project includes sedimentological, micromorphological and geochemical research of loessic deposits.
I am interested in Geoarcheological research within the area oh historical part of the Brno town and surrowndings.
2007- Origin of the Brno relief - stage V. (Industrial grant - 7035), principal investigator.
...and in sedimentary micromorphology connected with sedimentary procceses in alluvial zone
2005-2008- The erosional, accumulative and postdepositional processes in flood plain after great flood of August 2002 - participation
2008-2012-Interplay of climate, human impact, and land erosion recorded in the natural archives of Stráznické Pomoraví (Czech Republic)-participation
...and also in quartz micromorphology.
I am the author of two web pages related to our geological research.
My the oldest web page is related to Quaternary geology and collects actual important informations from this branch. Link to these web pages is www.gli.cas.cz/kvarter
Up to date pages related to the project from 2003 - "Thermal spring sedimentation" and to the exhibition connecting with the same project are available at www.gli.cas.cz/vridlovce
Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno - since 2002 graduate complementary course:
- - Loess of Euroasia
- - Methods of Quaternary geology
The lecture which is a part of Environmental Archaeology course for students of Archeology in Plzen University.
2008-2011- Interplay of climate, human impact, and land erosion recorded in the natural archives of Stráznické Pomoraví (Czech Republic).Granted by: Grant Agency of Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Code of Project: IAAX00130801 - participation
2006-2008- Geoarchaeology of European loess (Marie-Curie Fellowship), principal investigator.
2005-2007- The erosional, accumulative and postdepositional processes in flood plain after great flood of August 2002 - participation
2006- Origin of the Brno relief - stage III. (Industrial grant - 7035), principal investigator.
2001-2004- Biodiversity as a function of ecological systems (K 6005114) – participation
2001-2004- Climatic and anthropogenic factors and their influence to the live and alive nature (K 3046108) - participation
2005- Origin of the Brno relief - stage II. (Industrial grant - 7035), principal investigator.
2004-2005- Thermal spring sedimentation of Karlovy Vary thermal structure and its connection to the preventive protection of natural medicinal sources – participation
2004- Origin of the Brno relief (Industrial grant - 7035), principal investigator.
2000-2001- Microprobe used for indication of heavy mineral provenience (FRVS No. 2146 G4), principal investigator.
Kvítková, L., Buriánek, D. (2002): Chemical composition of the Dyjskosvratecký úval valley loess.- Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. geol., 87, 103-111.(in Czech)
Lisá, L. (2004): Exoscopy of Moravian eolian sediments.- Bull. Geosci., 79, 3, 177-182.
Lisá L., Buriánek D., Uher P. (2005): Provenance of Wurmian loess and loess like sediments inMoravia and Silesia, Czech Republic: using of heavy minerals associations.- Acta Musei Moraviai, Sci. geol, 90, 147-154.(in Czech)
Lisá L., Uher P. (2006): Provenance of Wurmian loess and loess like sediments of Moravia and Silesia, Czech Republic: A study of zircon typology and catodoluminiscence.- Geologica Carpatica (in print)
Lisa L. (2006): Quaternary Geological Composition of Brno Historic Centre: Application of Results from the Collector Canalization.- Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. geol., 219-226.(in Czech)
Hladil, J., Strnad, L., Šálek, M., Jankovská, V., Šimandl, P., Schwarz, J., Smolík, J., Lisá, L., Koptíková, L., Rohovec, J., Böhmová, V., Langrová, A., Kociánová, M., Melichar, R., Adamoviè, J., 2008: An anomalous atmospheric dust deposition event over Central Europe, 24 March 2007, and fingerprinting of the SE Ukrainian source. Bulletin of Geosciences, IF: none, ISSN 1214-1119, 83, (2), p. 175-206.
Lisá, L., Peška, M., Merta, D., Bajer, A., Zùbek, A., 2007: Aplikace geoarcheologie pøi interpretaci pleistocenních and holocenních sedimentù v prostoru Námìstí Svobody v Brnì. Ve službách archeologie, IF: none, ISSN 1802-5463, ISBN 80-7275-060-7, 2007, (1), p. 177-181. In Czech.
Mentlik, P., Lisá, L., Minár, J., 2007: Concept of geomorphological analysis of previously glaciated areas (based on analysis of the surroundings of prášilské jezero lake and jezero Laka lake, Šumava Mts., Czech Republic). Landform analysis, IF: none, ISSN 1429-799X, 5, p. 58-59.
Lisá, L., Kolaøík, V., & Bajer, A. (2008): The geoarchaeological and micromorphological reconstruction of medieval food store room floor layers; the case study from Tišnov, Czech Republic.- Frankfurter Geowissenschaftliche Arbeiten. Serie D, Band 30, 67-75, Archaeological Soil Micromorphology - Contributions to the Archaeological Soil Micromorphology Working Group Meeting 3rd to 5th April 2008.
Kvítková, L., 2000: Heavy minerals and their provenience, Kùlna cave, Moravian Karst.- Abstract Book of student conference, 153, Bratislava.
Kvítková, L., Pøichystal, A., 2000:Heavy minerals of Wurmian sediments of the Kùlna cave, Moravian karst - Geol. Výzk. Mor. Slez. v roce 1999, 34-37, Brno.
Kvítková, L., 2001:Paleosurface reconstruction of the námìstí Svobody square.- Abstract Book of student conference, 16, Brno.
Kvítková, L., 2001: Eolian Sediments as an Evidence of Action NAO in the Last Glacial .- Abstract Book, 48, Halle-Salle.
Kvítková, L., 2001: Origin of Quaternary sediments of the námìstí Svobody square in Brno .- Geol.výzk. Mor. Slez. v roce 2000, 8-10, Brno.
Kvítková, L, 2001: Heavy Minerals and their Application in the study of Eolic Deposits in Moravia.- Abstract Book of Sedimentology 2001, 256, Davos.
Kvítková, L., 2001: Evaluation of sample preparation for loess heavy mineral study.- Mineralia Slovaca, Geovestník, 5,33, 513. Košice.
Kvítková, L., Chadima, M., 2001: Using of Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility for eolic sediments research.- Proccedings of 7. Work Quaternary seminary 2001, 14, Brno.
Kvítková, L., Buriánek, D., 2002: Chemical composition of the Dyjskosvratecký úval valley loess.- Acta Mus. Mor.. 87, 103-111.
Kvítková, L., 2002: Loess radioactivity (Moravia, Czech Republic).- Mineralia Slovaca, Geovestník, 34, 8, abstrakt SRK.
Kvítková L., 2002: Distribution of naturally radioactive components of Moravian loess.- Geol.výzk. Mor. Slez. v roce 2001, 11-12.
Kvítková, L., 2002: Provenance of Moravian loess.- Abstract book Sediment 2002, 48, Frankfurt, Darmstadt.
Kvítková, L., Chadima, M., 2002: Eolic sediments´comparison in SE Moravia based on magnetic attributions and heavy minerals assemblages.- Abstract book, ESSE WECA, 61-63, Bratislava.
Kvítková, L., 2003: Weathering factors used for the classification of Moravan loess.- Abstract book SVK, 18, Bratislava.
Lisá, L., 2003: Last glacial loess and loess like sediments of Moravia.- Abstract book, IAS, 103, Opatia.
Lisá, L., 2003: Geochemical evaluation of loess sediments from the Moravia area.- Proceedings of 9. work Quaternary seminary, 13, Brno.
Kadlec, J., Schnabl, P., Prunel, P., Lisá, L., Žák, K., Hlaváè, J.(2004): Paleomagnetic dating of the cave sediments of the Czech karst.- Èeský kras, 29, 21-25.
Lisá, L. (2004): Exoscopy of Moravian eolian sediments.- Bull. Geosci., 79, 3, 177-182.
Èižmáø Z., Èižmáø M., Lisá L. (2004): The present state of knowledge regarding the Moravian Painted Ware culture fortified settlement at Hluboké Mašùvky (Znojmo district).- Otázky neolitu a eneolitu 2003, 219-240.
Lisá L. (2004): Quaternary sediments of the Brno Town.- Abstract Book, IAS 23rd Meeting Coimbra-Portugal, 173.
Lisá L. Jankovská, V., Zapletalová, D. (2004): New exposures of Quaternary sediments in the area of „Staré Brno“.- Geol výzk. Mor. Slez. v roce 2003, 7-9.
Lisá, L. (2004): Air-blown sediments in Brno?.- Proceedings of 10. work Quaternary seminary, 22, Brno.
Zapletalová D., Èulíková D., Jankovská V., Lisá L., Rybníèek M.(2005): Pøíspìvek pøírodních vìd a archeologie k historické topografii Starého Brna. In: Ve službách archeologie VI., 267-274. Brno.
Demek, J., Havlíèek, M., Kirchner, K., Nehyba, S., Lisá, L. (2005): K rozšíøení poznatkù o kvartérních sedimentech na Èerveném kopci v Brnì.- Proceedings of Geomorphology 4, 159-162, Èeské Budìjovice.
Lisá, L., Bajer, A. (2005): Air-blown sediments in the area of Brno.- Geol výzk. Mor. Slez. v roce 2004, 6-7.
Mentlík, P., Lisá, L. & Bøízová, E., (2005): Glacial forms and development of the landscape during Pleistocene and Holocene in the vicinity of Prášilské Lake (Bavarian Forest, Czech Republic).- In: Gutieréz, F., Gutieréz, M., Desir, G., Guerrero, J., Lucha, P., Marín, C., García-Ruiz, J. M. (ed.). 6th International Conferenceon Geomorphology, Abstract volume. Zaragoza. Spain. p. 10.
Lisá L., Buriánek D. (2005): Garnet composition and heavy mineral assemblage in Loess - the method for climate change determination.- Abstracts of 24th IAS, Meeting, Muscat, Oman, str. 102.
Lisá L., Buriánek D., Uher P. (2005): Provenance of Wurmian loess and loess like sediments in Moravia and Silesia, Czech Republic: using of heavy minerals associations.- Acta Musei Moraviae, Sci. geol, 90, 147-154. ISSN 1211-8796 Lisá L., Bajer A. (2005): Nové poznatky o fluviální sedimentaci „Ponávky“ na území mìsta Brna.- 11. konference Kvartér, Brno.
Lisá L. (2005): Karst Chimny I in the cave Za hájovnou, sedimentology and stratigraphy, chapter 7.- Natural studie sof Prostìjov museum, sv. 8, Prostìjov 2005 (in print).
Lisá L., Uher P. (2006): Provenance of Wurmian loess and loess like sediments of Moravia and Silesia, Czech Republic: A study of zircon typology and catodoluminiscence.- Geologica Carpatica, 57, (5), 397-403
Lisá L., Zapletalová D., Pecka M., Zùbek A., Mroczek P. (2006): Quaternary Geological Composition of Brno Historic Centre: Application of Results from the Collector Canalization.- Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. geol., 219-226.
Lisá, L., Peška, M., Merta, D., Bajer, A., Zùbek, A., 2007: Aplikace geoarcheologie pøi interpretaci pleistocenních and holocenních sedimentù v prostoru Námìstí Svobody v Brnì. Ve službách archeologie, IF: none, ISSN 1802-5463, ISBN 80-7275-060-7, 2007, (1), p. 177-181. In Czech.
Mentlik, P., Lisá, L., Minár, J., 2007: Concept of geomorphological analysis of previously glaciated areas (based on analysis of the surroundings of prášilské jezero lake and jezero Laka lake, Šumava Mts., Czech Republic). Landform analysis, IF: none, ISSN 1429-799X, 5, p. 58-59.
Lisá, L., Hladil, J., Vylita, T., 2007: Mikrosvìt a makrosvìt vøídlovce - karlovarská pøírodní laboratoø. Vesmír, IF: none, ISSN 0042-4544, 86, (7), p. 420-425. In Czech.
Lisá, L., Lisý, P., 2007: Petroglyfy v kyrgyzských horách. Vesmír, IF: none, ISSN 0042-4544, 86, (4), p. 240-244. In Czech.
Lisá, L., 2007: Application of geological aspects in archaeology. United Kingdom - Visegrad Four Frontioers of Science Symposium, Abstract (Poster), 21.2. - 23.2. 2007, ASCR, HAS, PAS, RS, SAS, Krakow. Book of Conference Abstracts (Ed.: Jaworski J., KOnacki M., Mundell C., Kysla Pipik R., Spanel P., Tomasovych A., Wiener G., Zilka N.), p. 15.
Lisá, L., Grygar, T., 2007: The Climate Record of the End of the Last Glacial Period based on geochemical and micromorphological Study - the Case Study from Gravetian Settlement in Dolni Vestonice (Czech Republic). Joint Meeting PTG-DGG Geo-Pomerania Sczetin 2007 - Geology cross-bordering the Western and Eastern European Platform, Abstract (Lecture), ISSN 1860-1782, ISBN 978-3-510-49201-5, 24.9. - 26.9. 2007, DGG and Polish Geological Survey, Sczetin, Poland. Abstract volume of Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Geowissenschaften (Ed.: H. G., Rohling, Ch. Breitkreuz, Th. Duda, W. Stackebrandt, A. Witkowski, O. Uhlman), p. 170.
Mentlik, P., Lisá, L., 2007: Zalednìní v okolí jezera Laka. Stav geomorfologických výzkumù v roce 2007, Paper (Lecture), ISBN 978-80-7368-296-5, 2.4 - 4.4. 2007, Èeská geomorfologická spoleènost, Ostravská universita, Malenovice. Sborník abstraktù a exkurzní prùvodce (Ed.: T. Pánek, J. Hradecký), p. 38-39. In Czech.
Hladil, J., Strnad, L., Šálek, M., Jankovská, V., Šimandl, P., Schwarz, J., Smolík, J., Lisá, L., Koptíková, L., Rohovec, J., Böhmová, V., Langrová, A., Kociánová, M., Melichar, R., Adamoviè, J., 2008: An anomalous atmospheric dust deposition event over Central Europe, 24 March 2007, and fingerprinting of the SE Ukrainian source. Bulletin of Geosciences, IF: none, ISSN 1214-1119, 83, (2), p. 175-206.
Kondziolka, J., Hladil, J., Lisá, L., Šálek, M., 2008: Odkud spadl prach Severní Moravì? (12. bøezen 2008). (http://www.ian.cz/detart_fr.php?id=2809)
Lisá, L., Hladil, J., Kondziolka, J., 2008: Prach Ukrajiny - rozøešení!. (http://www.ian.cz/detart_fr.php?id=2825)
Lisá, L., Kolaøík, V., & Bajer, A. (2008): The geoarchaeological and micromorphological reconstruction of medieval food store room floor layers; the case study from Tišnov, Czech Republic.- Frankfurter Geowissenschaftliche Arbeiten. Serie D, Band 30, 67-75, Archaeological Soil Micromorphology - Contributions to the Archaeological Soil Micromorphology Working Group Meeting 3rd to 5th April 2008.
This is my husband Pavel, just rellaxing... (hollidays in Finland, 2000). We met during winter 1998 in Jeseníky Mountains and we married in 2003. You can find more informations about him on his own web pages.
There is the link with my scientific publications + abstracts and some of my, mostly popularization on-line articles.
- Scientific publications
- Something about Karlovy Vary travertines
- About my trip to National Park Doòana
- Something about our traveling in Kyrgzystan, 2005
- Something about the life in Cambridge (UK)
- Something about recent dust deposition in Northeast part of the Czech Republic, 2008
- And one more article about Kirgizstan, in this case about a beautiful lake Sary Èelek
- My photo exhibition about Karlovy Vary travertines was installed in Brno-Masaryk University (from 1 of July till the end of August) and in Pøerov (from 1 of September till 31 of October)
- Our exibition of Petroglyfs from Central Kyrgyzstan you had possibility to see in Rùžová èajovna tearoom in Prague, street Rùžová near Václavské square from 1 of July till 15 of September, 2007
- 27.9. 2007 - Together with my husband we had a talk about our summer archeological excavations and photograhical explorations in the area of Bajkal Lake, Siberia, Russia on Meeting of travellers in Prosimerice
- 24.-25.3. 2007 - Together with my husband we had a talk about Kyrgyzstan on Meeting of travellers in Ládví (Prague)
- 28.-29.10. 2006 - The talk about the Dolganskaya Yama cave in Meeting of travellers in Prosimìøice