With the end of the year 2006 the voting period of the previous Committee elapsed, and after nomination of new candidates, the ballot among the public involved in the IGCP activities determined the present representation involved in the New Committee.


This present change follows the main ideas

- to involve mainly the active project leaders,

- to provide organizing opportunity to other personalities, and

- to have a correct representation of various disciplines in science and practical applications.  


[ 2006 – 12 – 13 ]


The recent election resulted in a new Czech IGCP National Committee for the period from 2007 to 2009:


Ing. M. Eis (Severoceske doly, a.s., Chomutov), Dr. O. Fatka (Faculty of Science, Charles University), Dr. P. Havlicek (Czech Geological Survey, Prague), Dr. J. Hladil (Institute of Geology, Czech Academy of Sciences), Dr. P. Kraft (Faculty of Science, Charles University), Dr. R. Mikulas (Institute of Geology, Czech Academy of Sciences), Dr. S. Oplustil (Faculty of Science, Charles University), Dr. J. Pasava (Czech Geological Survey, Prague), Ing. P. Skupien (Technical Univesity, Ostrava), Dr. V. Sibrava (emeritus - UNESCO), Ing. P. Skoda (Czech Commission for UNESCO), Mgr. K. Verner (Faculty of Science, Charles University / Czech Geological Survey), Dr. A. Vymazalova (Czech Geological Survey, Prague), Dr. J. Zajic (Institute of Geology, Czech Academy of Sciences).