r3 - 26 Jan 2009 - 11:48:54 - OldrichKepkaYou are here: TWiki  >  FZU Web > TWikiUsers > OldrichKepka > MyWork > Panda


Installing Panda

source ~/cmthome/setup.sh -tag=14.4.0,32,setup
cd $TestArea
cmt co PhysicsAnalysis/DistributedAnalysis/PandaTools
cd PhysicsAnalysis/DistributedAnalysis/PandaTools/cmt
cmt config
source setup.sh
cd $TestArea
mkdir run
cd run
if [ $SHELL == "/bin/zsh" ];
cd $TestArea/run

Running with Panda

pathena AnalysisSkeleton_topOptions.py \
     --inDS fdr08_run2.0052283.physics_Muon.merge.AOD.o3_f8_m10 \
     --outDS user08.myGridName.AnalysisSkeleton.aan.root


There are several other things you might want to do, however, in this rich set of tools. We'll start with monitoring -- let's see how the job we just submitted is doing. From the command line, enter:


and you will be put in a python-like command line. When you ask it for help(), it helps you. When you ask it to show() you your jobs, it will do so. If you want to see only a specific job number, include that number in the parentheses.

You can also get the status() of any particular job that has been submitted from this location, and select() jobs based on some criteria, as follows:


You can even, if all does not go well, kill() any particular job.

Reusing the environment

You have noticed that all of your jobs create a build job before processing any data. This is great, because it replicates your working environment in detail. If you'd like to reuse this environment, you can avoid running that build job over and over again. As long as you don't recompile anything in your environment, it remains identical -- you can swap things like jobOptions, datasets, and etc. Your jobs will ALWAYS be sent to the same site, as well -- the jobs are always sent to the data -- in this case, to your stored build environment and the data.

To do this, run subsequent jobs with the option

--libDS SAME


  • Do not set the grid environment /afs/cern.ch/project/gd/LCG-share/current/etc/profile.d/grid_env.sh before running pathena command or you will get the error
     failed to run brokerage for automatic assignment: Failed to connect to host 

-- OldrichKepka - 28 Dec 2008

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