Dear Colleagues,
Please find at the following address (usual atlas user and password) an updated version of the physics policy document and its executive summary:
The current documents can be found here:
The physics policy document is itself not CB endorsed, being a document that slowly evolves with time, and being also quite detailed.
The executive summary lays out the general principles, and these were approved by the Collaboration Board, most recently in the July 2007 CB meeting. The CB will be asked to approve the revised guidelines document at the forthcoming February meeting.
There are two updates proposed: one proposes a special exception to allow students to present their own work at national meetings, provided that some checking is done in advance that results shown are not too sensitive (e.g. they do not hint at new physics discoveries); the other covers an adapted process for approval of PUB notes for Monte Carlo-based studies.
Please let us know your comments on the updates by email to the Physics Coordinator,, at the latest by 29 January, so that we can, if necessary, distribute a revised version before the CB meeting.
Best wishes,
D Charlton, F Gianotti, K Jon-And