r15 - 24 Feb 2009 - 17:42:35 - OldrichKepkaYou are here: TWiki  >  FZU Web > TWikiUsers > OldrichKepka > MyWork > GangaJobs

Ganga Jobs

  • 200, 201 resubmitting 172-1, 4
  • 199 SD.W
  • 198 evgen SD Z
  • 197 evgen SD W
  • 195 evgen SD Dijet20
  • 193 simulation of two-photon e4e4
  • 192 simulation of DPEIncDijet20?
  • 188,189, 190, 191 - resubmit 172-2,3,5,7
  • 187 reco number_events_job was set to 1000
  • 181 reco number_events_job was not specified
  • 180 evgen DPE IncDijets20?
  • 179 evgen two-photon e4 e4
  • 176 same as 174 but without specifying division of files
  • 175 same as 174 -> failed
  • 174 mumu reco 14.5.02 -> failed
  • 171 same as 170
  • 173 IncDPE10 simul
  • 172 WW simul
  • 170 mumu in
  • 169 same as 166, but in release (Tier0 release)
  • 168 same as 166
  • 166 reco with triggerCofig = 'DEFAULT' on dataset 99 (works interactively but not on the grid)
  • 164 evgen DPEIncDijets10?
  • 159 evgen WW
  • 157 evgen WW
  • 148 reco 00001 simul triggerConfig = 'DEFAULT', missing AOD? - ???
  • 146 evgen WW
  • 132 reco on 00003 simul from 128 triggerConfig = 'NONE'
  • 131 reco on 00002 simul from 127 triggerConfig = 'NONE'
  • 128 same as 128 result in dataset 00003
  • 127 simulation of mumu extraArgs = 'triggerConfig='OFF'',  triggerConfig = 'OFF', result in dataset 00002
  • 118 DPEIncDijets10?
  • 117 WW
  • 110 puvodni 106
  • 106 pubodni jobs 100.1
  • 104 WW new seed athena
  • 103 WW bez pozadavku na DE (now 107)
  • 102 resubmit 1001.1 na specialni stroj
  • 101 WW na goliasi
  • 100 QED mu4mu4 simul
  • 99, 98, 97 QED mu4mu4 - 99 FINAL

Reliable sites

  • epgce4.ph.bham.ac.uk:2119/jobmanager-lcgpbs-gshort

-- OldrichKepka - 11 Feb 2009

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