r2 - 27 Mar 2005 - 13:14:15 - TWikiContributorYou are here: TWiki  >  TWiki Web > TWikiFAQ > DeleteOrRenameAnAttachment


How do I delete or rename a file attachment?


You can move and delete attachments directly from your browser. Moving lets you transfer an attachment from one topic to another. The soft delete moves an attachment to the special TrashAttachment topic in the Trash web, where it's hidden but can be "undeleted" with system administrator access. Please note that you cannot rename an attachment in the current TWiki release.

Click on action on the file in the FileAttachment table, then in the Update attachment screen choose [Move attachment], and make your changes to that screen.

NOTE: The configuration of your site and your own access permissions determine whether you can access these functions.

Note for system administrators: To remove an attachment permanently move it to the Trash.TrashAttachment topic, then with file-level access, delete the file attachment and its ,v repository file manually from twiki/pub/Trash/TrashAttachment.

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